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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024

                                              P er f orming C   hoirs
                                              Performing Choirs

                   Washington State University                        Western Washington University
                          Concert Choir                                  Advanced Treble Chorale

                                                              The Advanced Treble Chorale is an auditioned large
           The WSU Concert Choir is Washington State Uni-   ensemble that performs music from around the world,
        versity’s premier  auditioned  choral  ensemble.  This   music  by  composers  representing historically resilient
        SATB choir meets four times each week and performs   populations, and music from the large body of published
        approximately three to five times each semester. They   pieces for treble choirs. This choir consists of music ma-
        sing music of all musical periods and styles, and pro-  jors and non-majors, all grade levels, who are looking
        duce challenging, creative, and intriguing  audience   for an enriching choral experience that centers commu-
        experiences. The ensemble generally tours within the   nity, inclusion, and energetic music making. Collaborat-
        region in the spring and embarks on international per-  ing regularly with culture bearers, the Advanced Treble
        formance tours every four to five years.            Chorale works to perform diverse music using appropri-
                                                            ate vocal timbres and traditional movement—and they
                    Dean Luethi serves as the director  of   have a great time doing so!
                    choral activities, professor, and  former
                    director of the School of Music at Wash-            Angela Kasper is  director  of choral ac-
                    ington State University. He received de-            tivities at Western Washington University.
                    grees from the University of Wisconsin–             Her duties include conducting the Concert
        Green Bay, University of South Florida in Tampa, and            Choir, Advanced Treble Chorale, Western
        University  of Illinois–Urbana/Champaign. Before                Voices, and teaching courses in conduct-
        pursuing advanced degrees, Luethi was a high/middle   ing and global traditions for choir. Kasper’s university
        school choir and musical theatre director in the Green   choirs have performed for national, regional, and state
        Bay area. Known for his work as a choral pedagogue,   ACDA conferences. Guest conducting engagements in-
        he has presented research, workshops, or conducted   clude honor choirs for six ACDA region conferences; the
        choirs at regional and national festivals, conferences,   2015 ACDA National Conference in Salt Lake City; nu-
        and competitions in the United States, India, China,   merous engagements in Asia, South America, and the
        Cuba, Canada, Austria, Poland, and Germany.         Middle East; and all-state choirs in over forty states.

        16      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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