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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                      University of Wyoming                                   Vox Pacifica

                        Singing Statesmen

                                                              Vox Pacifica is an auditioned choir of multi-gener-
                                                            ational alto and soprano singers based in Bellingham,
                                                            Washington,  under the artistic direction of Wendy
           The University of Wyoming Singing Statesmen are   Bloom. Since their debut in the fall of 2018, Vox Paci-
        dedicated to providing outstanding service to the Uni-  fica has continued to perform a diverse catalog of mu-
        versity, the state of Wyoming, and to the rich tradition   sical styles and repertoire that is a reflection of our mis-
        of tenor-bass choral singing in the United States. While   sion to share joy, embrace diversity, build community,
        focusing primarily on the standard tenor-bass chorus   and affirm the worth and dignity of all people. Our
        repertoire, the Statesmen specialize in music unique to   season includes two choral performances and a popu-
        the University, state, and region. Membership is open   lar cabaret-style fundraiser. Vox Pacifica is a recipient
        to any tenor-bass singer enrolled at the University. Stu-  of a 2022 Working Washington Grant from the state
        dents from all walks of campus life are encouraged to   of Washington.
        participate in this ensemble. From athletes to valedicto-
        rians, leaders in student government, and clubs/frater-         Wendy Bloom has  spent a lifetime  in
        nities/activities, the members bring with them a wide           the service of choral music. In the early
        diversity in backgrounds and interests.                         days, she taught choir for grades 6-12 in
                                                                        a private school, acted as director of mu-
                    Brian C. Murray is the director of choral           sic for a large church, and began work-
                    activities, vocal arts area coordinator, and   ing as an oratorio soloist. She moved into conducting
                    assistant professor of music at the Uni-  and teaching voice at Concordia University, Ann Ar-
                    versity of Wyoming. At UW he conducts   bor, while continuing her performance career with a
                    the Collegiate Chorale and the Singing   quartet, SATB, who sang together for seventeen years.
        Statesmen and teaches courses in choral conducting.   Eventually, Bloom directed the Flint Symphonic Choir,
        Murray received a BME from the University of North   traveled to Austin to sing with Conspirare, and to Santa
        Texas, an MME from The Florida  State  University,   Fe to sing with the Desert Chorale. She now directs Vox
        and a DMA in choral conducting from the University   Pacifica in Bellingham.
        of North Texas.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            15
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