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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                             P er f orming C   hoirs
                                             Performing Choirs

                 Portland Phoenix Chamber Choir                         University of Washington


           The internationally award-winning Portland Phoe-
        nix Chamber  Choir  was founded  as the  Marylhurst
        Chamber  Choir, the  premier  choral  ensemble  at    The University of Washington Chorale  is an ad-
        Marylhurst University in Portland, Oregon. Upon the   vanced  undergraduate  ensemble  containing students
        sudden closure  of  Marylhurst,  the  choir  was reborn   from all majors across the Seattle campus. Last May,
        as Portland Phoenix. The Chamber Choir has twice    UW Chorale members premiered Wyers’s composition
        performed at OMEA and at Carnegie  Hall. This       And All Shall Be Well in Carnegie Hall. The chorus has
        summer, they will  travel  to  the International  Choral   collaborated  with many  prestigious artists including
        Kathaumixw in British Columbia. Chamber Choir has   Seattle Symphony, Imogen Heap, Andrea Bocelli, and
        collaborated with Portland Chamber Orchestra, com-  Ann Hamilton, as well as appearing before the Princess
        posers  Morten Lauridsen and Gwyneth  Walker, and   of Sweden and the President of Latvia. UW Chorale
        renowned vocal ensembles Cappella Romana, Cantus    toured to the Baltics for the 2019 Estonian Laulupiduu
        and Roomful of Teeth. Their recording of the choral   Festival as  one of the only  invited American choirs.
        works and songs of Margaret Bonds will be released by   Their third CD Resonant Streams appeared in Gramophone
        Centaur Records.                                    magazine, and a fourth was recorded June 2023.

                    Justin Smith is an assistant professor of           Giselle Wyers is the Donald E. Petersen
                    music and director of choral activities at          Endowed Professor of Choral Music at
                    Queens  University of Charlotte, where              the University of Washington, as well as
                    he conducts  three  choirs  and teaches             conducting the fifty-voice Concord with-
                    courses in music history, conducting, and           in the Columbia Choirs consortium. As
        film music. In demand as a clinician and guest con-  a guest conductor, Wyers has led honor choirs and all-
        ductor, he has adjudicated festivals in Turkey, Finland,   state choirs in fourteen states and in Canada, as well
        and Greece as well as numerous events in the United   as working with semi-professional ensembles  across
        States. Smith is also the director of the Portland Phoe-  Europe. She serves as an editorial board member for
        nix Chamber Choir, appearing at major choral compe-  Choral Journal as well as a member of ACDA’s Stand-
        titions in Ireland, Italy, Wales, and Latvia, and by invi-  ing Committee  on International  Activities. She  has
        tation at the NWACDA conference. He holds a DMA     composed thirty choral works, often on texts situated
        in choral conducting from the University of Houston   around her ardent love and pervasive concern for pro-
        with additional degrees from Wesleyan University and   tecting nature.
        the University of Oregon.

        14      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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