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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                      Idaho State University                              Memorial High School
                         Chamber Choir                                 Varsity Treble Choir - Lorelei

           The Idaho State University Chamber Choir is a se-
        lect mixed collegiate choral ensemble open to all stu-
        dents of the University by audition. Chamber Choir    The Memorial Varsity Treble Choir is one of five
        singers rehearse twice per week and are selected based   performance ensembles at  Memorial  High School.
        upon exemplary levels of musicianship  and artistic   This is an auditioned  group comprising thirty-eight
        commitment. Representative choral literature from the   students in grades 10-12. This group rehearses outside
        early Renaissance through the twenty‐first century may   the school day and is a combination of students from
        be studied, rehearsed, and performed during a semes-  our advanced treble choir (Bel Canto) and our varsity
        ter. The ISU Chamber Choir has performed in twenty   mixed choir (Meistersingers). The choir program is one
        countries around the world during nine international   of the most diverse organizations at Memorial High.
        tours since  1994, and has  been  selected  for perfor-  Members have performed abroad and regularly qual-
        mance at eight ACDA or NAfME regional conferences   ify for state and national honor choirs during TMEA,
        since 1998.                                         SWACDA and ACDA conferences. This group  per-
                                                            formed for the 2021 Texas MEA Virtual Convention
                    Scott Eric Anderson begins his thirtieth   and the 2022 Southwestern ACDA Region Confer-
                    year as professor of music and director   ence.
                    of choral activities in  the Department
                    of Music at Idaho State University. An-             Lawrence Johnson is in his  thirteenth
                    derson received his BM from Whitworth               year as the director of the Memorial High
        College, an MM in choral conducting from Westmin-               School Choirs in Houston, TX, and his
        ster Choir College, and a DMA from the Conserva-                twenty-seventh year of teaching overall.
        tory of Music at UMKC. Anderson has led the ISU                 Johnson has also led middle school and
        Chamber Choir or Camerata Singers on performance    high school choir programs throughout Texas. Choirs
        tours of more than twenty-five countries over the past   under Johnson’s  direction have traveled  domestically
        three decades. Anderson serves as the artistic director   and abroad. His choirs have also won best-in-class and
        of the Idaho International Choral Festival held every   best-in-festival  awards at  various festivals throughout
        three years in Pocatello, Idaho. He has conducted more   Texas. Yearly, his students qualify for region, state, and
        than 100 choral festivals in eighteen states and Canada.     national choirs. Johnson has served as an adjudicator
                                                            and clinician throughout Texas.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            13
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