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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                          Spokane, Washington

                                             Performing Choirs
                                             P er f orming C  hoirs

                  Graham-Kapowsin High School                             Heritage High School
                             Chorale                                        T-Wolf Vocal Jazz

           The  Graham-Kapowsin  High School Chorale  is      T-Wolf Vocal Jazz is  an ensemble  open to high
        an auditioned mixed ensemble composed of students   school students (grades  10-12)  by audition.  Accom-
        in grades 10-12 with a dedication to performing out-  panied by a rhythm section, this ensemble meets dai-
        standing choral repertoire. The Chorale has been the   ly and travels frequently, attending jazz festivals and
        premier choir at Graham-Kapowsin since the school   workshops throughout the year. This group performs
        opened in 2005. It is one of five vocal ensembles in a vi-  difficult literature ranging from four to twelve parts in
        brant music department that serves over 400 students.   a variety of styles including swing, blues, Latin, funk,
        They were  awarded  the  2018-2019  American Prize   and more. Created during the pandemic, this ensemble
        in Choral Performance for High School Chorus, and   started as a club and has developed into a course of-
        earned second  place  in  the  2020-2021 competition.   fering for students to share their love of singing this
        The choir previously appeared at the 2019 Northwest   wonderfully diverse art form.
        NAfME Conference, the  2018 ACDA Northwestern
        Region Conference, the 2018 WMEA Conference.                    Billy Buhl has served as the director of
                                                                        choirs at  Heritage  High School in the
                    Jason Saunders has served  as director              Evergreen School District in Vancouver,
                    of choirs  at  Graham-Kapowsin  since               WA, for the past three years. He received
                    2014. He  is artistic  director  of the  in-        his BME and MME from Central Wash-
                    district Vivace! Choral Program, featur-  ington University. In his ninth year of teaching, Buhl
                    ing three community ensembles. In 2015   previously  served as  the director  of choirs  at Mark
        he was selected for the Washington ACDA Outstand-   Morris High School in Longview, WA, for four years.
        ing Emerging Choral Director Award. Saunders holds   In the summer of 2021 he received the Outstanding
        an MM from USC and a BME from Pacific Lutheran      Emerging Choral  Director  Award from Washington
        University. An active composer, he has published cho-  ACDA. He  currently  serves as the  tenor/bass  R&R
        ral works through Walton Music, Santa Barbara Music   Chair for the WA ACDA. An active performer and cli-
        Publishing, and Colla Voce Music.                   nician, Buhl sings in the professional choir Chor Anno,
                                                            which performed at the 2022 NW ACDA Conference.

        12      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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