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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                      Centennial High School                          Central Washington University
                            Camerata                                          Vocal Jazz 1

           Camerata is the advanced mixed choir at Centennial   Vocal Jazz 1 is the premier jazz vocal ensemble at
        High School in Boise, Idaho. Their strategy is to build a  CWU and has gained the reputation as one of the fin-
        program where they love to be together as they make in-  est  university/collegiate  vocal  jazz ensembles  in the
        credible music. They strive to create a space of inclusive-  United States. Known for their eclectic programming,
        ness, interaction, fun, and tremendous hard work. Once  polished live performances, emotional  connection to
        restrictions were lifted, they performed at the Idaho All-  the music, strong soloists, and creative arrangements,
        State in 2022 (wearing masks). In 2023 they performed  Vocal Jazz 1 has established a strong consistent record
        in concert with Utah Valley University under the direc-  of producing outstanding  jazz artists, educators, ar-
        tion of Reed Criddle.                               rangers, and composers.

                    Annette Mackey began her career as a pri-           Vijay Singh is a professor of music  at
                    vate music and voice teacher in Boise, Ida-         Central Washington University, where he
                    ho. In 2007 she began working as a choir            directs the Vocal Jazz program, Univer-
                    coach, assisting the local high school as an        sity Chorale, jazz combos, and teaches
                    accompanist and assistant to the director.          choral arranging/composition. Since ar-
        In 2014 she began teaching full time. She has authored  riving at CWU in 1999, he has consistently featured
        four books, including Music Rhythm Worksheets, which is  his ensembles at regional and national conferences of
        available online as a free download for music educators.  ACDA, JEN, NAfME, IAJE, and MENC. Vocal Jazz
        She loves teaching and feels honored to work with teen-  1 is CWU’s premier jazz vocal ensemble and has been
        agers as they learn and grow in music. She teaches at  featured  at  National  ACDA Conferences in Chicago
        Centennial High School in Boise, Idaho. Mackey holds  (2011) and Salt Lake City (2015). The group is known
        a BM from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah,  for creative  programming and polished live  perfor-
        and a master’s degree  in secondary music  education  mances featuring new arrangements/compositions in
        from Boston University.                             various jazz and contemporary styles.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            11
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