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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                          Spokane, Washington

                                             Performing Choirs
                                             P er f orming C   hoirs

                   Bellevue Presbyterian Church                           Boise State University
                        Sanctuary Chorus                                     Meistersingers

           The Bellevue Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Cho-    The Meistersingers are Boise State’s premier choral
        rus is in residence from September to June and is the   ensemble and represent the finest in choral excellence
        primary worship ensemble for Sanctuary services. The   at Boise State. Membership is open to all Boise State
        eighty+-member choir encompasses varying levels of   students with a passion  for quality  choral  literature.
        musical abilities  including teachers, students, instru-  This auditioned group performs music from all histori-
        mentalists, and Seattle Opera chorus members. In ad-  cal periods and various nationalities. In addition, the
        dition to weekly worship, the choir presents choral-or-  Meistersingers perform three to four times a year, in-
        chestral masterworks and newly commissioned pieces.   cluding regional/national tours and at the annual Boi-
        The choir partners  with local community ensembles   se State Holiday Concert. Past international tours in-
        and professional musicians in worship through music   clude France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.
        performances and Christmas Eve services. They also
        serve as mentors and role models for the church’s kids          C. Michael Porter is  director of choral
        choir program totaling 150 choristers.                          activities at Boise State University, where
                                                                        he conductors Meistersingers  and Vox
                    Brennan Michaels is director of worship             Angelis, teaches choral conducting, and
                    at Bellevue Presbyterian Church. In ad-             choral literature. Porter is also the artistic
                    dition  to planning and leading in wor-  director of Critical Mass Vocal Artists—Idaho’s semi-
                    ship, Michaels oversees the  music min-  professional chamber choir—and has conducted choirs
                    istry  comprising  250 student and adult   in Uruguay, South Korea, Belgium, the Netherlands,
        musicians. He conducts the Sanctuary Chorus, Pneu-  and France. He is also an editorial board member for
        ma, Bel Canto, and the Festival Orchestra and Brass.   the Choral Journal and associate editor for the NCCO
        Prior to this appointment, Michaels taught in schools   Research  Memorandum Series. Porter  received de-
        throughout Minnesota and Texas and served as artistic   grees from the University of Iowa and Truman State
        director of the Minneapolis chamber choir From Age   University, and further conducting training at the Or-
        to Age. Michaels also served as director at Northwest   egon Bach Festival with Helmuth Rilling.
        University. He holds a DMA from Michigan State Uni-
        versity, an MM from Baylor University, and a BM from
        Concordia College.

        10      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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