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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

        based in the Puget Sound area whose goal is to inspire,   studies at Northern Arizona University, where he di-
        educate, and enrich the  lives of others  through the   rects the graduate choral conducting program. Since
        transformational power of choral music at the high-  2022 he has served as artistic director of Choral Arts
        est artistic level. As an ensemble of music educators,   Northwest in Seattle and Master Chorale of Flagstaff.
        conductors, professional singers, and passionate choral   From 2010 to 2021 he served as director of choirs and
        artists, we aim to foster a world that is just, empathetic,   vocal studies at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash-
        and that values diversity and creativity. We celebrate   ington, and was recently  president  of Northwestern
        our thirtieth anniversary with a vision to intentionally   ACDA Region. He performs professionally as a tenor,
        support important social causes and highlight the mu-  pianist, and continuo keyboardist. He received degrees
        sic of diverse groups of people.                    from the University of Saint Thomas and Boston Uni-
                    Timothy Westerhaus is passionate about
                    transforming humankind through choral
                    music that fosters empathy, builds inclu-  The closing concert will also feature the Children &
                    sive community, and deepens  under-     Community Youth Honor Choir, under the direction
                    standing through diverse programming    of Emily Ellsworth; and the University of Washington
        and collaborations. He serves as the director of choral   Chorale, under the direction of Giselle Wyers.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            9
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