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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                               H eadliners/S    pecial E  v en ts
                                               Headliners/Special Events

         abundance and renewal, Woo’s drama takes us on a   residence  with the  Seoul  Ladies’  Singers since 1996
         journey of historical and contemporary reminiscences,   and with the Incheon City Chorale, led by the world-
         invoking the symbols and spirits of South Korea. The   renowned Hak-won Yoon, from 1999 to 2014. Woo’s
         dancers and musicians of Morning Star Korean Cul-  works have been featured at National ACDA confer-
         tural Center join with singers of Choral Arts North-  ences and at the IFCM choral symposium. Woo pre-
         west onstage, creating a kaleidoscope of traditional   viously  taught at  the  Seoul Theological  Seminary
         costumes, songs, folk dance, and storytelling in Korean   and Hansei University, and is currently on faculty at
         and English, accompanied by piano, strings, and tradi-  the  Chorus Center  Academy in Seoul.  Her  music is
         tional Korean instruments.                         published by Walton and the Seoul Chorus Center in
                                                            South Korea.

                Morning Star Korean Cultural Center

                                                                        MeeAe Nam, ARI  Project  Founder and
                                                                        Professor of Voice at  Eastern Michigan
                                                                        University, has established a highly  re-
                                                                        spected  performance career at  the  na-
                                                                        tional and international levels. Known for
                                                            her musical versatility, sensitivity, and genuine inter-
                                                            pretation (the Denver Post), she has appeared as a soloist
                                                            in major cathedrals and concert halls throughout the
                                                            United  States, Germany, Austria,  Luxembourg, and
                                                            South Korea. She has undertaken several projects fo-
                                                            cusing on audience-centered performance and diverse
                                                            cultural inclusion. As an artistic director, Nam has re-
                                                            cently co-founded the Ari project with Hyowon Woo to
           Morning Star Korean Cultural Center was founded   birth a new choral stage work and unique performance
         in 1985 under the direction of Jiyeon Chech with the   platform introducing the history, spirit, and culture of
         purpose of teaching Korean dance, music, and heri-  South Korea.
         tage to those interested in sharing the Korean culture.
         Based in  Lynnwood, Washington,  Morning  Star  has
         continued to expand and diversify its repertoire, pro-           Choral Arts Northwest
         grams, and services to the community. Today, with the
         combination of its art  preschool, library, dance, and
         music classes, Morning Star serves over 1,000 members
         of all ages. Under the direction of Sinae Cheh, Morn-
         ing Star’s mission is to promote cultural appreciation
         and encourage positive cultural exchange.

                    Hyowon Woo, ARI Project  composer,
                    has emerged  as a  formidable  composi-
                    tional voice blending traditional Korean
                    musical elements with Western musical
                    techniques.  Woo has been  composer-in-    Choral  Arts Northwest is  a community of singers

        8      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                   Volume 64  Number 5
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