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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                  Performing Choirs
                                  P er f orming C  hoirs

                    Young New Yorkers' Chorus               Guided by the artistic vision of conductor Alex Canovas,
                         Mixed Ensemble                     the choir performs a vast variety of music, specializing
                                                            in the performance of works by young composers. Com-
                                                            mitted to the growth of new repertoire, YNYC debuts
                                                            three original works annually through its Competition
                                                            for Young Composers.

                                                                        Alex Canovas is  the  artistic  director  of
                                                                        the Young New Yorkers’ Chorus (YNYC),
                                                                        leading both their Mixed and Treble En-
                                                                        sembles in concerts around New York City
                                                                        every year. Canovas also oversees YNYC’s
                                                            celebrated Competition for Young Composers. Choirs
                                                            under his direction have appeared at Carnegie Hall, Lin-
                                                            coln Center,  National  Sawdust, and  other  well-known
                                                            venues in the New York area. Previous positions include
           Established in 2001, the Young New Yorkers’ Chorus   director of music and choirmaster at St. Paul’s Episcopal
         (YNYC)  fosters a  vibrant  choral  community through   Church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn; associate conduc-
         singing, performance, and collaboration with emerg-  tor  of Choral  Chameleon;  assistant conductor of the
         ing composers. We work to ensure that New Yorkers   Empire City Men’s Chorus; and assistant conductor of
         have a haven that brings music to those who need it   Ars Musica (NJ).
         and amplifies the voices of those who wish to make it.

                                      Eastern Region Registration Information

                                         Register at

                                        Attendee $315  Retired $215  Student $100

                                     Registration after 11:59 PM CST February 7, 2024

                                        Attendee $345   Retired $245  Student $140

                                                  On-site registration

                                        Attendee $360   Retired $260  Student $155

                                     One-Day Registration $175 (only available on-site)

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