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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

                       Roxbury High School                                  Rutgers University
                             Melodies                                    Rutgers Voorhees Choir

           Melodies is a select treble ensemble under the di-
         rection of Krista Sweer from Roxbury High School in
         Succasunna, New Jersey. The ensemble is composed of   The  Rutgers Voorhees  Choir  is an  auditioned  so-
         approximately forty voices from all grade levels and re-  prano-alto  ensemble that champions  text and music
         hearses once a week from January through May. Many   composed by women and historically excluded poets
         students  are  members of  the  New  Jersey All-State   and composers. The choir continues a long tradition of
         Choir, and the school regularly places students in the   representing Rutgers University—from its beginnings
         ACDA All-Eastern and National Honors Choirs. Last   as the choir for the New Jersey College for Women in
         year Melodies was awarded first place in their category   1924 to its years as the official choir for Douglass Resi-
         and a Gold rating at the WorldStrides Heritage Festival   dential College. The Rutgers Voorhees Choir made its
         in Williamsburg, VA. Melodies focuses on showcasing   Carnegie Hall debut in April 2019 as part of the in-
         the strength and diversity of treble voices.       augural  National  Concerts  performance series. They
                                                            were also selected to perform at the 2020 ACDA East-
                    Krista Sweer is  in  her sixth  year  as  the   ern Region Conference in Rochester, NY.
                    associate choir director at Roxbury High
                    School, where she directs  Melodies, the            Brandon Williams is an associate profes-
                    Roxbury Chorale, and Vocal  Jazz. She               sor and interim director of choral activi-
                    received her BME from Messiah Univer-               ties at Rutgers, The State University of
         sity, where she earned the Presser Foundation Under-           New Jersey, where he was the recipient
         graduate Scholar Award. She earned her MM in col-              of the 2021-22 Rutgers Presidential Fel-
         laborative piano at the Florida State University. While   lowship for Teaching Excellence Award. Williams has
         studying at the American Institute of Musical Studies   published articles in the Choral Journal and the Music
         in Graz, Austria, she was awarded the Harold Heiberg   Educators Journal, and he is  editor of the  book  Choral
         Award for Excellence in Collaborative Piano.       Reflections: Insights from American Choral Conductor-Teachers.
                                                            He earned degrees  from Western Illinois University,
                                                            the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Michi-
                                                            gan State University, and he holds an artist teacher di-
                                                            ploma from the Choral Music Experience–Institute for
                                                            Choral Teacher Education.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            143
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