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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                        orming C
                                  Performing Choirs
                               Lux                                      Nazareth Area High School

           Lux is an award-winning chamber choir dedicated
        to  accessibility of professional-quality  choral  music   Nightingales began in 2006 as an after-school, au-
        performance and education based in Washington, D.C.   ditioned choir. It became a non-auditioned  curricu-
        Since its founding in 2014, the group has earned praise   lar course in 2008 and then an auditioned curricular
        from famed choral musicians around the world, and   course in 2014. We meet three days out of a six-day
        collaborated with the likes of Paul Mealor and Lynn   cycle for seventy-two minutes. The choir consists  of
        Trapp. They’ve earned awards on both regional and   students in grades 9-12 with singers of varying levels of
        national levels, including a Featured Choral Album on   vocal experience and music reading. The Nightingales
        Classical MPR. Ever passionate for contemporary mu-  performed in several  ACDA-PA conferences; at the
        sic, Lux has given over twenty premieres since 2019,   PMEA State Conference in 2014, 2017, 2022; and the
        including their first composition contest in 2021.   PMEA/NAfME Eastern Region Conference in 2019.
                                                            The group can also be heard at community events and
                    Robby Napoli was a founding member of   nursing homes around Nazareth.
                    Lux at seventeen years old and has en-
                    joyed working with the group since 2014.            Kelly Rocchi has been the choral director
                    He studied music education and compo-               at Nazareth Area High since 2006. She
                    sition at the Sunderman Conservatory at             is  the director  of two curricular  choirs,
        Gettysburg College, and is now the choral director at           one extra-curricular  choir, oversees two
        Chesapeake High School, where he directs the Concert            student  directed  a  cappella  groups,  and
        Choir, Chamber Singers, and a cappella group, Evolve.   teaches piano and music theory. Rocchi has served as
        Napoli’s ensembles have premiered over thirty pieces in   a guest conductor around the state and was selected
        the past four years, released hours of recordings, and   as the Penn State School of Music Outstanding Mu-
        won both local and national awards. Napoli enjoys per-  sic Education Alumni Award winner in 2021 and was
        forming contemporary choral music, and is particular-  named as a semi-finalist in the Pennsylvania Teacher
        ly passionate about inspiring and creating opportunity   of the Year Program in 2021. Choirs under her direc-
        for the upcoming generations of choral musicians.   tion have been invited to sing at several ACDA-PA and
                                                            PMEA state and Eastern Region conferences.

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