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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Interest Sessions
                                  In t er est S essions

                          ChoralWorks –                     and soul shines forth. From concert halls to hospice
             Rehearsal Tracks on Smartphones for Free       beds,  from  sacred  spaces  to  street  corners,  the  film
                                                            brings  to life the diverse stories of American choral
                                                            singers and leaders who inspire, uplift, heal, create op-
           The ChoralWorks  web app makes  interactive re-  portunity, find meaning, and build bridges through the
         hearsal tracks with high-quality piano sounds available   power of song.
         for free on smartphones, tablets, and computers. Sing-
         ers can isolate their own part or combine them with   Emily Ellsworth will be the host for this movie. Her
         others. Directors and singers can include markers to   photo and bio are on page 33.
         indicate passages that need special attention. Directors
         can easily create and distribute these tracks using free
         resources.  Session participants  will  learn how to  use
         the app and how to make and distribute ChoralWorks           Choral Teaching Strategies and
         files for their singers. ChoralWorks can be an efficient   Repertoire Ideas for Young/Beginning Singers
         and effective practice tool that lets choirs use precious
         rehearsal time to make music instead of learning notes.  In this session the clinician will discuss techniques
                                                            and strategies for working with young choral singers.
                    Robert Natter is  associate  professor  of   We will cover three main topics: child-friendly vocal
                    music and director of choral activities at   health terminology, scaffolding suggestions for skill de-
                    Gettysburg College, where he has taught   velopment, rehearsal routines, and repertoire sugges-
                    since 1998. He conducts the Gettysburg   tions and examples.
                    College Choir, Concert Choir, Audeam-
         us, and Camerata, and teaches conducting. His choirs           Lauren Torres Lambert is a music teach-
         have performed throughout the eastern United States            er at the University of Hartford Magnet
         and toured internationally. He also serves on the ex-          School  in West  Hartford,  Connecticut.
         ecutive board for the Eastern ACDA Region. Natter              She was also the director of The Youth
         earned a BM and MM from the University of Califor-             Choir of Connecticut  Children’s  Cho-
         nia at Santa Cruz, and a DMA in choral conducting   rus for nine years. Lambert has spoken as a panelist
         from the University of Cincinnati College-Conserva-  and presented sessions at conferences both in and out
         tory of Music.                                     of state, and serves on the CTACDA R&R Commit-
                                                            tee as the Children’s Choir Chairperson. In 2023 she
                                                            conducted her first festival with Connecticut’s Western
                                                            Regional Middle School Honors Choir. Lambert re-
                    Choral Singing in America:              ceived her undergraduate and graduate degrees from
                   Nurturing the Country's Soul             The Hartt School, where she is an adjunct professor.

           Choral Singing in America: Nurturing the Country’s Soul is
         now a captivating documentary  that illuminates the
         vibrant spectrum of choral singing across our nation.       Commercial Music Opportunities
         With  close  to  seventy  inspiring  performances from               Roundtable
         amateur  and professional groups, plus personal sto-
         ries from Marques L.A. Garrett, Doreen Rao, André    In this session, Grammy-nominated composer and
         Thomas, Eric Whitacre, Rosephanye Powell, and doz-  R&R Chair of Commercial Music for ACDA Eastern
         ens more, the deep impact of choral singing on body   Region, Cheryl B. Engelhardt, will walk through the

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