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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Performing Choirs
                                  P er f orming C  hoirs

                   Thomas W. Pyle Middle School                           University of Delaware

                           Pyle Voices                                      University Singers

                                                               The University Singers is a select ensemble of treble
                                                            voices at the University of Delaware, chosen by audi-
           The Pyle Voices is a highly selective group of stu-  tion each year, and comprising freshmen, sophomores,
        dents in grades 7-8. Voices has repeatedly received su-  juniors, and seniors from dozens of majors across the
        perior ratings at county, state, and regional adjudica-  University. The University  Singers  perform three  to
        tions. In 2022, Voices traveled to The Aaron Copland   four concerts each year and tour regionally to Mary-
        School of Music at Queen’s College in NYC to par-   land, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. They ap-
        ticipate in “Nationals for Top Choirs.” In 2023, Voic-  peared at ACDA Eastern Region in 2014 (Baltimore)
        es was selected as a spotlight throughout the state of   and 2018 (Pittsburgh). The University Singers perform
        Maryland to perform at the MMEA State Conference.   a  varied and diverse  repertoire, including medieval
        In 2022 they performed at the Annapolis statehouse in   chant, Baroque chamber music,  nineteenth-century
        conjunction with the Governor’s mansion open house.  opera, as well as jazz, contemporary, and multicultural
                    Zach Tilkens, NBCT, is currently  in his
                    fifteenth  year  teaching  with  MCPS  and          Duane Cottrell is associate  professor of
                    his ninth year at Thomas W. Pyle Mid-               choral music education at the University
                    dle  School.  Tilkens has been active  at           of Delaware, where he directs the Uni-
                    the  county and state  levels as a judge.           versity Singers and the Jazz Singers and
        His choirs consistently earn superior ratings at county,        teaches courses in choral  music  educa-
        state, and regional  festivals, notably participating  in   tion. After earning a BME at LSU under Ken Fulton
        “Nationals for Top Choirs” in NYC. His audition choir   and teaching high school in Texas, Cottrell  earned
        was selected to perform at the 2023 MMEA state con-  MM  and DMA  degrees at the  University  of North
        ference. Tilkens is proud of his contributions around   Texas with Jerry McCoy. He frequently presents and
        the topic of equity, having contributed to the MMEA   publishes research on vocal pedagogy and was previ-
        Diversity Lens Committee  and presenting  a  session   ously the editor of the “On the Voice” column in the
        titled: “Affirming Students’ Identities through Reper-  Choral Journal. His choirs have appeared at NAfME and
        toire Selection.”                                   ACDA conferences.

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