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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

                  Washington Adventist University                  Western Connecticut State University

                            Pro Musica                                       University Singers

           Pro Musica of Washington Adventist University was
         established in 1962 by the late Paul Hill, director of the
         famous Paul Hill Chorale. The Pro Musica is a select
         ensemble  comprising the  university student  commu-  The WCSU University Singers (formerly University
         nity, specializing in advanced choral repertoire from all   Choir) have earned a reputation as a premier collegiate
         musical periods. The choir maintains a heavy schedule,   choral ensemble in the Northeast. This dynamic group
         traveling extensively both nationally and internation-  sustains a busy calendar of performances. Over the past
         ally. It has  appeared in numerous  prestigious venues   year, they have taken part in performances in Carnegie
         such as Carnegie  Hall,  the  National  Gallery of Art,   Hall and Lincoln Center and were a featured ensemble
         and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing   at the 2023 Connecticut MEA State Conference. The
         Arts, Washington D.C., as well as other leading concert   WCSU University Singers have also performed at re-
         halls and cathedrals both within the United States and   gional ACDA conferences and toured internationally.
         abroad.                                            They regularly collaborate with orchestras throughout
                                                            the state in performances of choral-orchestral works.
                    Anwar Ottley is an associate professor of
                    music and director of choral activities at          Jeremy Wiggins serves  as the  director
                    Washington Adventist University, and the            of choral activities and graduate studies
                    pastor  of  worship at  the  Takoma Park            at Western Connecticut State University,
                    Seventh-day Adventist  Church, both lo-             where he conducts choral ensembles and
         cated in Takoma Park, Maryland. He is a published              teaches courses in conducting and music
         composer whose works have been performed in ven-   education. Wiggins recently prepared the WCSU Uni-
         ues across the country, including the John F. Kennedy   versity Singers for performances in Carnegie Hall and
         Center  for  the Performing Arts  and the  Washington   Lincoln Center. Currently he serves as the artistic direc-
         National Cathedral.  Ottley  earned a doctor of wor-  tor of Charis Chamber Voices and is the R&R Chair
         ship studies degree from Liberty University, an MM in   for College Choirs for CT-ACDA. Wiggins taught sec-
         choral conducting from Andrews University, and a BM   ondary choral  music in southern California for  nine
         from Washington Adventist University.              years. He completed his doctoral studies at the Florida
                                                            State University and holds an MM in conducting and
                                                            BME from CSU, Fullerton.

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