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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                          t C
                                  Insight Choirs

                   Creating in the Aural Tradition          with Boston City Singers, Lumsden teaches general
                                                            music and traditional percussion at the Lincoln School
           In this session, our directors will engage conference   in Providence, Rhode Island, an independent, college
        participants, supported by the ensemble, in a creative   preparatory school for girls.
        journey—from learning a simple, unison Jamaican folk
        song in the aural tradition to crafting a fully fledged
        harmonized  performance, including movement,  per-
        cussion  and improvisation. Participants  will gain a             Healing a Community:
        strong  understanding  of  our  process  and  the  confi-  The Gertrude Banks Intergenerational Gospel Choir
        dence to explore further.

                                                              The Gertrude Banks Gospel Choir is an intergener-
                                                            ational ensemble out of Connecticut that has brought
                                                            together and provided healing for different members of
                                                            its community of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities.
                                                            This session will focus on culturally responsive teach-
                                                            ing of Gospel music, techniques to engage your com-
                                                            munity, and strategies for teaching and differentiating
                                                            for an intergenerational choir. The session will feature
                                                            performances, demonstrations, and stories by the choir

        The Boston City Singers Tour Choir is a choir of twenty-
        eight voices conducted by Jane Money, Kimani Lums-
        den, and Matthew Leese. The choir has a repertoire
        spanning classic American Jazz standards, traditional
        compositions  from Ukraine to New Zealand,  aurally
        learned Jamaican and South African folk songs, and
        much more. In alternate  years, the  Tour  Choir  ven-
        tures to countries that have a deep connection to music
        as it affects their history, social justice, and culture. The
        Tour Choir has toured to Costa Rica, New Zealand
        and Australia,  South Africa, Argentina,  Canada, the
        Czech Republic, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
                                                            The  Gertrude Banks Gospel Choir was founded in
                    Kimani Lumsden joined  Boston City      2019 as a way to bridge gaps between students at Sims-
                    Singers in 2012 as World Rhythm En-     bury High School. It has since developed into an in-
                    semble  Director. He  is a  vibrant  music   tergenerational ensemble ages eleven through seventy,
                    educator  who is  passionate  about  the   including middle school students, high schoolers, par-
                    percussion and dance traditions of West   ents, grandparents, and local gospel professionals. The
        Africa and the African diaspora. Lumsden grew up in   ensemble celebrates the American art of Gospel music
        Kingston, Jamaica,  where  he  studied  classical piano,   and provides a place for singers of all levels to perform,
        and traditional Jamaican and Caribbean drumming at   learn, and sing together.
        the Jamaica School of Music. In addition to his work

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            147
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