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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

        lesser-known avenues of commercial choral music and   inspiring  choral  directors  to  brainstorm  site-specific
        how choirs can profit from this genre. She’ll explore   possibilities of their  own.  The diversity  of projects,
        the recording for commercials, movies, and other art-  venues, and audiences clearly demonstrate the power
        ists, as well  as the  topic  of selling  choral  recordings   of singing to create spontaneous, genuine connection
        commercially. Other questions that will be addressed   between fellow humans in non-traditional spaces.
        include: What is the role of commercial choral mu-
        sic and how can we incorporate it into programming?   Constance Chase will be  a clinician for this session.
        What type of choral music is most often used (and paid   Her photo and bio are on page 134.
        for) in the commercial spaces? Where is choral music
        being utilized in commercial and mass media? What   Curran Schenck will be a clinician for this session. His
        are the choral benefits for pursuing commercial music   photo and bio are on page 64.
                                                            Additional members of the West Point Glee Club and
                    Cheryl B. Engelhardt is  a Grammy-      Soldier's Chorus will contribute  to the panel discus-
                    nominated and #1 best-selling recording   sion.
                    artist, and a composer for films, theater,
                    social justice choirs, and other  ensem-
                    bles. Her unique journey has landed her
        in  Forbes,,  Harper’s Bazaar, and  People,             Composers Forum
        on stage singing with Sting, collaborating with Mar-
        tin Luther King’s goddaughter, and on a train. She is
        the first person to produce an entire album on a cross-  Moderated by Eastern Region Choral Composition
        USA journey. Additionally, she is a certified trauma-  R&R Chair, Michael  Bussewitz-Quarm, a panel  of
        informed success coach, providing resources for musi-  Eastern Region composers will discuss topics includ-
        cians through her site    ing commission  consortium  models, self-publication
        as well as in her popular mastermind, Amplify. She’s   and working with large publishing houses.
        a member of The Recording Academy’s District Ad-
        vocacy team and the R&R Chair of Contemporary/
        Commercial Repertoire  for the  ACDA Eastern Re-
        gion.                                                    Conducting Context and Loving Gestures:
                                                                     Journey from Motion to Emotion

                     Community Connections:                   There is no such thing as an ideal conducting ges-
                     Telling American Stories               ture. Uncovering the delicate balance of context and

                                                            connection in conducting, this session  explores the
           The U.S. military has a longstanding tradition of   power of affectionate gestures as the “Love Languages
        reaching communities through music. The U.S. Army   of  Choirs.”  Attendees  will  delve  into  effective  ways
        Field  Band Soldiers’ Chorus and West  Point Glee   of adapting  gestural  vocabulary for various musical
        Club, two of the military’s most traveled choirs, priori-  genres—Renaissance, Gospel, Spirituals, contempo-
        tize connections with diverse audiences in innovative   rary—and types of choral communities. Through in-
        ways.  They have  developed  unique  strategies  to  dis-  teractive  exercises and demonstrations by Elevation,
        solve  boundaries between  performers and audience,   the Delaware Academy of Vocal Arts’ flagship ensem-
        and  strengthen  these bonds nationwide.  The  session   ble, participants will learn how to evoke both musical
        shares member experiences  and use of multimedia,   intention and a sense of love for their singers.

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