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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  In t er est S essions
                                  Interest Sessions

                    Approaching Contemporary                            Marc Silverberg has served on the execu-
                   Korean Choral Repertoire and                         tive  board of and presented
                    Pedagogical Considerations                          workshops  on vocal improvisation at
                                                                        national  and state  festivals. Beginning
                                                                        in  2020, Silverberg pioneered two new
           The American choral world advocates diversity in   breakthroughs in a  cappella  education:  A cappella
        choral music to a greater extent than ever before, yet   Masterclass ( and VocaVer-
        choir  directors  often  find  it  challenging  introducing   sity, the world’s first, certified online school for contem-
        music from different cultures. This session aims to in-  porary a cappella. In 2020, Silverberg released his first
        troduce composers of South Korean background and    book, co-written with Deke Sharon and GIA Publica-
        their carefully selected choral works, provide practical   tions, Teaching Music Through Performance in Contemporary
        resources about basic rules of Korean diction in sing-  A Cappella. He has degrees from the University of Dela-
        ing, stir thoughts on appropriate vocal tones and cul-  ware (BM), Westminster Choir College (MM), and Five
        tural contexts, and share resources easily accessible for   Towns College (DMA).
        non-native choir directors.

                    Minji Kim serves as  an assistant profes-
                    sor of music at Gordon College and the            Building the Ensemble through
                    music director for the Newburyport Cho-
                    ral Society in Massachusetts. As a native    Collaborative Circle Activities Across Ages
                    South  Korean conductor now living in
        the United States, she is passionate about incorporat-  Together we will explore ways to build our ensem-
        ing her cultural background into teaching. She earned   bles and encourage collaboration, exploration, and im-
        an MM in choral conducting at the Ohio State Univer-  provisation through a few circle activities. Together we
        sity and a DMA at the University of Maryland, Col-  will discover how these activities can be used in both
        lege Park.                                          the middle and high school setting and experience and
                                                            discuss  how these  activities  encourage  collaboration
                                                            and trust amongst our singers. Come ready to partici-
                                                            pate and take away new activities you can implement
                        Bridging the Gap:                   into your rehearsal space.

           From Concert Choir to Contemporary A Cappella
                                                                        Jameelah Taylor is a choral director and
                                                                        vocalist  based  in New  York City.  She
           This  interactive workshop  aims  to answer three            holds an MME from Teachers College,
        questions: First, why should choral conductors who’ve           Columbia University, as well as a BA in
        immersed their entire lives in standard choral literature       vocal performance from The New School
        care about contemporary a cappella? Second, how can   for Jazz and Contemporary Music. She has performed
        a fundamental understanding of contemporary a cap-  in venues across New York City, including The Stone,
        pella help improve your choir’s understanding of more   Joe’s Pub, Carnegie Hall, Webster Hall, and the histor-
        traditional literature? Third, how can choral conduc-  ic Kings Theatre for New York Fashion Week. Taylor
        tors who are unfamiliar with the culture of contempo-  is the middle and upper school choral director at the
        rary a cappella dip their toe in the proverbial water?  Trevor Day School on the UES.

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