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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

                      Lebanon Valley College                            Longmeadow High School
                          Concert Choir                                          Lyrics

           The Lebanon Valley College Concert Choir main-     Lyrics is the honor’s SATB choir at Longmeadow
        tains a long-standing tradition  of choral  excellence   High School in Massachusetts. Lyrics meets as a class
        with forty-eight voices representing majors from across   three  to four hours  weekly, and student  leaders  run
        the institution. With the annual occurrences of a large-  weekly sectionals outside of school. Lyrics earns gold
        scale “Christmas at the Valley” production, a regional   medals  at  state  festivals and  earned  The  American
        spring tour, and singing at many campus events, the   Prize  for  Choral  Performance. Lyrics  has toured  re-
        ensemble remains one of the most treasured ambas-   gionally and internationally, including Italy, Germany,
        sadors of LVC. In recent years, under the direction of   Austria, England, Sweden, and Denmark. Their rep-
        Kyle Zeuch, the choir has performed at Carnegie Hall,   ertoire comprises everything from masterpieces of the
        ACDA Pennsylvania in 2021 (virtual), and the Penn-  Renaissance era to  brand-new works  and a cappella
        sylvania MEA Annual In-Service Conference in 2022.  pop arrangements. Members of Lyrics play active roles
                                                            in student government, clubs, instrumental ensembles,
                    Kyle Zeuch is the director of choral ac-  and sports teams at Longmeadow High School.
                    tivities  and co-chair of the music  de-
                    partment at Lebanon Valley College. He              Kayla Werlin holds degrees from the Uni-
                    holds a BME from Capital University, an             versities of Michigan and Massachusetts.
                    MM  in choral conducting  from  Michi-              Although she has spent over forty years
        gan  State  University (MSU),  and  a  DMA in choral            teaching music at every level, kindergar-
        conducting degree from MSU. Zeuch’s teaching expe-              ten  through college, her  passion lies  at
        rience includes director of children and youth choirs   the high school level. Werlin has taught at Longmead-
        at Michigan State University and the head director at   ow High School since 1999. Under her direction, LHS
        Rivera High School in Brownsville, Texas. He is the   choirs have earned festival awards, and the American
        president-elect designate and R&R chair for Commu-  Prize for Choral Performance. They have received in-
        nity Choirs for ACDA Pennsylvania.                  vitations to perform at state and regional music educa-
                                                            tion conferences, and have performed throughout the
                                                            US and Europe. In 2020, the Country Music Associa-
                                                            tion recognized Werlin as one of its Music Teachers of

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            141
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