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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                  Insight Choirs
                                          t C

                    Rebecca Saltzman is the  choral  direc-  discussed. In addition to the performances of selected
                    tor at Simsbury High School, where she   works, attendees will also have a chance to sing excerpts
                    directs five ensembles in addition to an   of the composer’s works.
                    extracurricular Gospel ensemble. She is
                    an adjunct faculty member at the Hartt
        School, where she teaches their course on school choral
        programs and supervises the pre-service educator sec-
        ondary choral teaching lab experience. Saltzman holds
        a master’s degree from the Florida State University and
        her BME from Ithaca College. She is currently serving
        as the ACDA Eastern Region Vocal Jazz and A Cap-
        pella R&R Chair.
                                                              Since  2013, PhilHarmonia has delighted  audienc-
                                                            es with its commitment to musical excellence and its
                                                            eclectic range of choral programming and repertoire
                                                            under the artistic direction of Dr. Mitos Andaya Hart
             The Unearthing and Illumination of Stories:    of Temple University. The ensemble opens and closes
                     Music of Melissa Dunphy                seasons with free public concerts and also produces two
                                                            continuing seasonal concert events each year, Winter
           This  session  will examine and present  works  by   Spirits and From PhilHarmonia With Love. PhilHar-
        Australian American composer Melissa Dunphy that    monia takes pride in collaborations and partnerships
        revive our history and bring to light our common hu-  with local artists and organizations, including Melissa
        man struggles through musical storytelling. The com-  Dunphy, Adam Silverman, the Free Library of Phila-
        posing, commissioning, and collaboration processes of   delphia, SEPTA, The German Society of Pennsylva-
        particular works, including American DREAMers, will be   nia, the Museum of the American Revolution, Nashi-
                                                            rah, and Singing City.

                                                                        Mitos Andaya Hart is  the associate  di-
            Get more attached                                           rector  of choral activities in  the Boyer
                                                                        College of Music and Dance at Temple
                 to your music.                                         University. She  has  taught  choral and
                                                                        jazz at the university level in the United
                                                            States, South Africa, and Australia. She has served as
                                                            a clinician and guest conductor for honor and all-state
                                                            choruses for festivals and workshops nationally and in
                                                            Germany, Kenya, the Netherlands, and South Korea.
                                                            Andaya Hart is the artistic director of PhilHarmonia,
                                                            a Philadelphia-based chamber choir, which has com-
                                                            missioned  and premiered  works, including Melissa
                                                            Dunphy’s American DREAMers based on texts by young
                                                            American Immigrants and DACA recipients.

                     Toll-free: 1.877.246.7253  •
                    (604) 681-5386
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