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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Performing Choirs
                                  P er f orming C  hoirs

                   Central Dauphin High School                         Consonare Choral Community
                           CD Singers                                      Voices of Concinnity

                                                              Described by  audience  members  as “silky  smooth
                                                            butter in musical form” and “voices like I imagine an-
          The CD Singers, comprising students in grades 10-  gels sound,” Voices of Concinnity is Connecticut’s ver-
        12, qualify for membership by audition. CD Singers   satile vocal chamber ensemble illuminating the breadth
        have gained recognition by performing at eight PMEA   and variety of choral music through innovative and art-
        Conventions, the  1995 NAfME  All-Eastern Conven-   fully sung programming. As a twelve-voice professional
        tion in Providence, and the Roxbury Choral Invitation-  ensemble of seasoned choral artists from diverse back-
        al, where the CD Singers several times have received   grounds, Concinnity performs choral music from the
        “Best  Concert Choir.” They have  had performances   Renaissance to the contemporary. Envisioned in 2018
        around the  northeast,  including performances  at St.   by founding artistic director, Sarah Kaufold, Concin-
        Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City and Heinz Me-  nity exemplifies an inclusive atmosphere for all voices
        morial  Chapel  in Pittsburgh. The Singers frequently   while cultivating a unique ensemble sound identity and
        collaborate with local organizations in the Harrisburg   offering affordable choral performances for all in the
        area  to  provide music in the  community for  special   community.
        events  and functions,  including several  state  govern-
        ment events at the Pennsylvania Capitol building.               Sarah Kaufold is a conductor, soprano,
                                                                        and music educator  who advocates  for
                    John Harchak-Madas is in his fourteenth             inclusion on the podium, within the cho-
                    year as a music educator and his eighth             ral ensemble, and in the choir folder. As
                    year  at  CDHS, where  he  teaches four             founding artistic  director  of Consonare
                    curricular choirs. He holds a BME from   Choral Community, she conducts Voices of Concinnity,
                    Mansfield University, where he sang un-  Choir Matrix, and Consonare Community Choir while
        der the direction of Peggy Dettwiler. Harchak-Madas   managing the nonprofit arts organization. Kaufold has
        also taught choir at a middle school in East Strouds-  an MM in choral conducting from UConn with exten-
        burg for six years, where he led a choir program of   sive graduate study in choral conducting from Cal State
        more than 400 students. He also holds his MME from   L.A. She has  directed  choirs  for singers  of all  ages,
        East Stroudsburg University. He is pursuing a Ed.Doc.   range of abilities, and in several settings. For fun, she
        degree in Instructional Technology from the American   conducts operas, sings professionally, writes grants, and
        College of Education.                               travels with her family.

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