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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                         February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  P er f orming C   hoirs
                                  Performing Choirs

                       Boston Arts Academy                            Central Bucks East High School
               The Spirituals of Boston Arts Academy                           Select Choir

                                                               The Central Bucks East High School Select Choir is
           Founded  in 2009, The  Spirituals  of Boston Arts   an auditioned choir of forty members from grades ten
         Academy explores the evolution of the African Ameri-  through twelve. The choir has performed at the PMEA
         can sacred  choral  music  tradition.  This  auditioned   state conference, the NAfME Eastern conference, and
         group of sophomores, juniors, and seniors at Boston   the  ACDA Eastern Region  conference. In addition
         Arts Academy, the city’s only public arts high school,   to performances in its community, the choir has also
         is directed by Michael W. Bradley. In addition to their   performed in notable venues such as the Philadelphia
         2015  victory on “Sing  That  Thing!,” Spirituals  won   Basilica, the  Cathédrale  Marie-Reine-du-Monde  in
         a Gold Medal at the Massachusetts Instrumental and   Montreal, Washington National Cathedral, and Carn-
         Choral Conductors Association Festival. The Spirituals   egie Hall. The choir has also commissioned works from
         have been one of the premier performance ensembles   Ēriks Ešenvalds and Blake Morgan of VOCES8 and
         for BAA for over ten years, performing for political dig-  frequently works with notable collegiate clinicians from
         nitaries  and the  greater  performance community of   throughout the East Coast.
         Greater Boston and Massachusetts.
                                                                        Christopher Villante is  a graduate  of
                    Michael W. Bradley has  been an active              Temple University with a BME and an
                    educator  in the arts  community and                MM in vocal performance. He has been
                    K–12 education for over ten years. Brad-            a long-time  professional choir member,
                    ley graduated  from Berklee  College  of            musical theater actor, accompanist, and
                    Music with a BME. He currently serves   organist. He has  been the choir director  at Central
         on the Voice faculty of Boston Arts Academy, where   Bucks East High School and the vocal director of the
         he chairs the music department. Bradley’s choirs have   school’s drama club for the past eleven years. Under
         competed  and placed  in national  competitions  and   his  direction, the  choirs have  performed  at  PMEA,
         have performed for Yo-Yo Ma, Damien Woetzel, and   NAfME, and the ACDA Eastern Region conference.
         at the White House for First Lady Michelle Obama.   Villante is also a happy husband and father to his six-
         Bradley maintains an active schedule  as a  clinician   year-old son.
         through the consulting firm Motif Creative Services.

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