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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                  Headliners/Special Events
                                  H eadliners/S    pecial E  v en ts

        we will cover how to approach/rehearse various styles,          Jeffrey Douma is the  Marshall Bar-
        how to rehearse complicated dissonance and work to-             tholomew  Professor in the  Practice  of
        ward producing the typical vocal jazz sound through             Choral Music at the Yale School of Mu-
        straight tone and “jazz vowel” usage.  The addition of          sic, where  he heads the  graduate  pro-
        a  rhythm section, use  of  microphones,  reference  re-        gram in choral conducting and conducts
        cordings, and where to find well-written arrangements   the Yale Glee Club, hailed under his direction by the
        will also be discussed.                             New York Times as “one of the best collegiate singing
                                                            ensembles, and one of the most adventurous.” He is

        Ned J. Rosenblatt is the conductor of this choir. His   also founding director  of the  Yale  Choral  Artists, a
        photo and bio are on page 135.                      professional, project-based ensemble. He has appeared
                                                            as guest conductor with choruses and orchestras on six
                                                            continents and makes frequent domestic and interna-
                                                            tional appearances as clinician and master teacher. He
                                                            has prepared choruses for such conductors as William
                Student Conducting Masterclasses            Christie, Sir  David  Willcocks, Helmuth Rilling, and
                                                            Marin Alsop and has premiered many new works by
          Four public masterclasses  for outstanding under-  leading and emerging composers.
        graduate and graduate students will focus on both ges-
        ture and rehearsal strategies.  Students will conduct an
        intact choir.                                                   Jason Max Ferdinand currently serves
                                                                        as the director of choral activities at the
        Arianne Abela will be a masterclass teacher. Her photo          University of Maryland in College Park.
        and bio are on page 35.                                         He is  the  founding artistic  director  of
                                                                        The  Jason Max Ferdinand Singers: An
                                                            Ensemble of Exceptional Talents, and was the director
                    Caron Daley is  director  of choral ac-  of choral activities, chair of the music department, and
                    tivities, associate  professor  of music,   a full professor at Oakwood University, where he con-
                    and area coordinator of ensembles at    ducted the Aeolians of Oakwood University. He is a
                    the  Mary Pappert  School  of  Music  at   published author and composer with GIA Publications,
                    Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.   featuring the book, Teaching with Heart: Tools for Addressing
        Under  her  direction,  the  Duquesne Voices of Spirit   Societal Challenges Through Music, and The Jason Max Fer-
        have performed across the Northeast and in Canada,   dinand Choral Series (Walton & Gentry). He maintains an
        including invited  performances at  the  2019  NCCO   active schedule as a guest conductor and lecturer, both
        Conference  and 2023  NAfME Eastern Region  Con-    domestic and international.
        ference. A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Daley has
        held past conducting appointments with the National
        Youth Choir of Canada, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir,
        University of Toronto, St. Michael’s Choir School, and
        Salem Academy. Her research investigates the applica-
        tions of Dalcroze Eurhythmics to conducting and inju-
        ry prevention in conductors. She serves ACDA as Na-
        tional R&R Chair for College and University Choirs.

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