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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                   Providence, Rhode Island

        Heritage  Chorale. Collaborations include the  PEW        Renaissance and Baroque Choral Music
        Foundation, Bucks County Choral Society, “Christmas
        in a Time of Isolation” 2020 PBS broadcast, Chorus    The repertoire of Renaissance and Baroque music is
        America  and WXPN’s “Gospel  Roots of Rock and      the wellspring of our choral art. Using selected exam-
        Soul.” He debuted at Carnegie Hall (2001) with N.Y.   ples from the late-fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth cen-
        Pops and maestro Skitch Henderson,  and prepared    turies, participants will have the opportunity to directly
        choruses for Kathleen Battle’s The Underground Railroad;   experience ideas and methods for bringing this music
        Denyce Graves’s Breaking the Rules; Philadelphia Orches-  to life for both singers and listeners. Issues of interpre-
        tra with Andrea Bocelli, Aretha Franklin, Julius Rudel,   tation, notation, pitch and intonation, text declama-
        Florence Quivar, Hannibal Lokumbe premieres Yan-    tion and diction, rhythm and phrasing, performance
        nick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Can You Hear God Crying   practice, editorial practices, and vocal pedagogy  will
        on Naxos ArkivMusic.                                be addressed through specific rehearsal techniques and
                                                            group vocal techniques. Examples of both a cappella
                                                            and concerted music will be used as well as examples
                                                            from both secular  and sacred repertoires. Program-
                      Latin American Music                  ming suggestions and resources for further study will
                                                            be included.
           Explore choral literature inspired by  the folk  mu-
        sic and rhythms of Latin America. While singing and             Edward Maclary is professor  emeritus
        rehearsing together, participants will learn about per-         of music at  the  University of Mary-
        formance practice, rehearsal techniques, cultural un-           land. During his tenure he led the UMD
        derstanding, and the context in which the pieces were           Chamber  Singers to  international  ac-
        created.                                                        claim, and the UMD Concert Choir be-
                                                            came the chorus of choice for the National Symphony
                    Diana V. Sáez is the  director  of choral   Orchestra and Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Alum-
                    activities at Towson University. A leading   ni of UMD’s graduate conducting program hold pro-
                    specialist in Latin American music, Sáez   fessional and academic conducting positions  around
                    is a frequent guest conductor, adjudica-  the country, and UMD choral alumni populate many
                    tor, and lecturer in the United States and   top professional ensembles and all our nation’s military
        abroad. In the past five years, she has presented at na-  choirs. Known for his advocacy and performance of
        tional and regional ACDA conferences, American uni-  early music, from 2014 through 2017 he was the direc-
        versities, and various other engagements in North and   tor of the conducting masterclass for the Oregon Bach
        South America. Prior to that, she served for twenty-five   Festival. He has prepared choral ensembles for Robert
        years as artistic director of Cantigas, the award-win-  Shaw and Helmuth Rilling and dozens of other inter-
        ning chamber choir of Latin American and Spanish    nationally renowned conductors.
        music. Her compositions are published by Hal Leon-
        ard, Boosey and Hawkes, La  Voz Music  Publishing,
        and the Roger Dean Publishing Company.
                                                                               Vocal Jazz

                                                              Vocal jazz ensemble/jazz choir literature is often in-
                                                            timidating and avoided due to its use of dissonance,
                                                            multiple styles within the idiom, scat singing, and how
                                                            standard notation transforms into a different interpreta-
                                                            tion. Through group rehearsal and strategic examples,

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            137
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