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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                         February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  H eadliners/S    pecial E  v en ts
                                  Headliners/Special Events

                        Ramsey High School                  adjudicator for marching bands within the US Bands
                            Ram Jams                        circuit and volunteers as an EMT.

                                                                            Immersion Choirs

                                                              Immersion Choirs will provide attendees with op-
                                                            portunities for learning through singing.  A hybrid of
                                                            the traditional interest sessions and repertoire reading
                                                            sessions, attendees will sing in two fifty-minute sessions
                                                            led by experienced practitioners who will help share a
                                                            deeper  understanding of performance practice, and
                                                            cultural, social, and historical perspectives relating to
                                                            specific genres, time periods, and geographic regions.
                                                            Attendees will have the option to choose from four Im-
           The Ram Jams are the principal competitive A Cap-  mersion Choirs at the time of registration. The Immer-
         pella group within the Ramsey High School Chorus   sion Choirs are scheduled at the same time, so there is
         Program. The group represents the top auditioned stu-  no need to miss any other conference activity.
         dents from within the school and performs works from
         a  wide  variety  of genres, including contemporary a
         cappella, traditional choral repertoire, and new works.     Black Spirituals and Gospel Music
         The ensemble is a frequent competitor in the ICHSA
         competition,  run by  Varsity  Vocals, where they  have   Bring a new perspective to your choir, community, or
         been  named  the  Mid-Atlantic  Champion and repre-  solo singing by exploring and sharing how the essence
         sented the region at National Finals for the last three   of Black Spirituals and Gospel singing change when
         years. Their first EP album is titled Home Where I Belong,   sung through the lens of “singer as researcher.” Let’s be
         and they recently finished recording their next EP to be   curious by engaging the lens of an ethnographer and
         released later this year.                          phenomenologist. We will co-create profound contexts
                                                            by embodying the tapestry of the five senses. What does
                    Matthew Wolf is  the director  of vocal   a sustained tone sound like when evoked from the belly
                    music at Ramsey High School, where he   of the slave ship? How is a spiritual transformed when
                    directs the Ramsey High School Chorus,   sung from the weeds versus the concert stage? What are
                    both competitive A Cappella groups, The   the gospel roots of rock and soul music? The merging
                    Ram Jams & Ramsey Blues, and teaches    of message, music, and movement will be involved. All
         AP music theory and digital music production. Wolf   are welcome to participate as they are able.
         has been a high school choral director for the last elev-
         en years, and his ensembles have been featured in a            J. Donald Dumpson, PhD, of Diverse
         wide variety  of settings, including performances for          Arts Solutions and Arch Street Presbyte-
         state governors and U.S. senators. He received a BME           rian Church, is the founding conductor
         and BM in vocal performance from West Chester Uni-             of the Westminster Choir College Jubi-
         versity and an M.S. Ed. in Educational  Leadership             lee  Singers, New Jersey  Symphony  Or-
         from The University of Pennsylvania. Wolf is an active   chestra (NJSO) Community Chorus, and Philadelphia

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