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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                              February 28 - March 2, 2024              Providence, Rhode Island

                       Friday Night Concert                 twentieth century, including Robert Shaw, Sir Nevelle
                                                            Mariner, and Donald Neuen.

                   Morgan State University Choir
                                                                   A Cappella and Vocal Jazz Showcase

                                                                         Berklee College of Music
                                                                      Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble

           The Morgan State  University Choir (MSUC)  has
         performed around the world to critical acclaim. Named
         “Best College Choir” in 2004 by Reader’s Digest maga-
         zine, the Choir has performed with many symphony
         orchestras, including The Philadelphia, Chicago, New    The Berklee College of Music Advanced Vocal Jazz
         York, National, and Baltimore Symphony Orchestras.  Ensemble has performed at the 2016 ACDA Eastern
         Eric Conway, Director, has had many significant choir   Region Conference and the Jazz Education Network
         performances during his tenure, including singing for   (JEN) Conferences in 2014, 2020, and 2023. The en-
         the Rosa Parks Memorial Service in 2004 and perform-  semble is a frequent winner of the DownBeat Student
         ing for President Barack Obama during his Live at the   Music Awards Small and Large Vocal Jazz Ensemble
         White House Series in 2015. Last summer, the choir   divisions.
         toured Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria.
                                                                        Ned J. Rosenblatt currently holds the
                    Eric Conway is the director of the Mor-             position of professor in the voice depart-
                    gan State University Choir and the chair-           ment at the  Berklee  College  of Music
                    person of Morgan’s Fine and Performing              in Boston, Massachusetts. Rosenblatt
                    Arts Department. As director, he has trav-          earned  a  BME from the  University of
                    elled all over the world, including perfor-  Connecticut,  Storrs, and a master’s degree  in jazz
         mances in Austria, South Africa, Cuba, and Australia.   pedagogy from the Berklee College of Music and The
         Conway is a doctoral graduate of The Peabody Con-  Boston Conservatory.  Rosenblatt currently directs four
         servatory, where he majored in piano and conducting   Vocal Jazz Ensembles, traditional Concert Choir, and
         and received the prestigious Liberace scholarship. As   has been recently serving as music director on various
         a pianist, he has appeared in the U.S. and abroad as   Boston Conservatory Musical Theater  department
         a soloist and chamber musician. He served as orches-  productions. Rosenblatt frequently serves as a conduc-
         tral pianist for the Baltimore Symphony for over ten   tor, adjudicator, and clinician for classical, jazz, and
         years. Conway’s choral accomplishments include work-  show choir festivals.
         ing closely with some of the greatest conductors of the

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