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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                           February 28 - March 2, 2024                                      Providence, Rhode Island

                                                 pecial E
                                Headliners/Special Events
                       West Point Glee Club                                  West Point Band

                                                              The West Point Band is the Army’s oldest active-duty
           West Point Glee  Club is  one of the  U.S. Military   band, founded on the beautiful and historic grounds of
        Academy’s  most  visible cadet  organizations. Since   the United States Military Academy in 1817. The band
        1903, it has touched audiences around the world with   traces its lineage to fifers and drummers who were part
        a model depiction of the Corps of Cadets through live   of Continental Army units at West Point during the time
        performance, national network and feature film appear-  of the American Revolution. Officially established on
        ances, and recordings. Recent collaborations include an   June 8, 1817, the West Point Band recently celebrated
        historic concert with the West Point Band in the Unit-  its bicentennial. Although many changes have occurred
        ed Nations General Assembly Hall in honor of Black   over the years, music continues to be an essential aspect
        History Month. The Glee Club regularly commissions   of daily life for the cadets and soldiers at the academy.
        works from leading composers in addition to perform-  Today, the band continues to inspire and motivate the
        ing standard repertoire and the traditional military, pa-  next generation of the Army’s leaders, as well as serving
        triotic, and West Point songs for which it is renowned.  as musical ambassadors for the Army to the nation.

                    Constance Chase is the director of West             Lt.  Colonel  Daniel  Toven serves as the
                    Point Glee Club, where she conducts the             commander and conductor of the  West
                    renowned college choir in America’s fin-            Point Band at the U.S. Military  Acad-
                    est venues and smallest towns. Under her            emy at  West  Point,  NY.  Previous posts
                    direction,  the  Cadets  have  recorded  for        have included directorships of The U.S.
        Paramount,  Capitol,  Curtain Call,  PBS, ABC, NBC,   Army  Soldiers’  Chorus  and The U.S. Army  Chorus
        and at Skywalker Studio. She conducts  More Music   in Washington, D.C. Lt. Col. Toven studied conduct-
        Summer Festival Chorus  in  Connecticut, where she   ing with Grammy  Award-winning  conductor Robert
        previously  served  as artistic  director  of Connecticut   Page and holds degrees from Eastman School of Music,
        Chamber Choir and adjunct voice instructor at West-  The Command and General Staff College, and Indiana
        ern Connecticut State University. Chase is co-author of   University of PA, where he was recently recognized as
        Prescriptions for Choral Excellence (Oxford University Press).   a Distinguished Alumni. Lt. Col. Toven is also an ac-
        She holds degrees from University of North Carolina   tive guest conductor, working with honor choruses and
        Greensboro, Hunter  College-City  University of New   bands all along the East Coast. His military decorations
        York, and Zertifikat from Goethe Institut, Germany.   include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Parachutist
                                                            Badge, and the Instructor Badge.

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