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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                             Headliners/Special Events
                                             H eadliners/S    pecial E   v en ts

                   Two-Day Special Focus Tracks             Gonzaga University Concert Choir
                                                            Meg Stohlmann
           The Northwest Region is excited to announce two
        special conferences on two-day tracks intended to pro-  Linn-Benton Community College Chamber Choir
        vide special attention to Children & Youth and Music   Raymund Ocampo
        in Worship. The Northwest Institute for Children’s and
        Youth Singing will be held on Friday and Saturday, in-  Montana State University Montanans (quartet)
        cluding observation of the Children & Youth Honor   Kirk Aamot
        Choir, led by Emily Ellsworth; special focus interest ses-
        sions; and Encounter Choir presentations by the Pacific   Oregon State University Chamber Choir
        Youth Elementary Choir, Nova 2, and Oregon Reper-   Steven M Zielke
        tory Youth Choir. The Music Brings Us Together: A
        Music in Worship Concentrated Track will provide a   University of Idaho Vandaleers Concert Choir
        two-day focus on Music in Worship on Thursday and
        Friday with special reading  sessions, interest  sessions,   David Klement
        and an Encounter  Choir presentation by Northwest
        Nazarene University Orchestra and Choir.            Members of the University of Oregon Chamber Choir
                                                            Sharon Paul

             Focus on Mental Health/Work Life Balance         This concert  will  also  include  a  special  Collegiate
                                                            Showcase featuring the choirs in the combined colle-
           Recognizing the importance of building lives of bal-  giate choir performing songs on the theme of unity in a
        ance and providing examples of this in our work and   prism-style presentation. The opening concert will also
        life, the Northwest ACDA Conference is  providing  a   feature  performances by the  University of  Wyoming
        series of sessions designed to challenge and support at-  Statesmen, under the direction of Brian Murray; and
        tendees in learning how to bring this into our own life,   the  Western Washington Advanced  Treble  Chorale,
        and to have it impact our teaching and our relation-  under the direction of Angela Kasper.
        ships with our ensembles.

                         Opening Concert                                     Closing Concert

        Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms,                           Hyowon Woo, composer
        André J. Thomas, conductor                                   MeeAe Nam, ARI Project Founder

        Orchestra and eight university choirs from             Sinae Cheh, Korean Dance and Music Director
        throughout the Northwest                                     Timothy Westerhaus, conductor

        Central Washington University Chamber Choir           Created by Korean composer Hyowon Woo (Seoul,
        Nicole C. Lamartine                                 South  Korea)  and her  artistic partner, MeeAe  Nam
                                                            (Eastern Michigan University), Ari Project: Spring of-
        Eastern Washington University Symphonic Choir       fers a choral drama celebrating the sights, sounds, and
        Kristina Ploeger-Hekmatpanah                        colors of spring. Through music and dance expressing

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            7
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