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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                    Michael Baker Brown is in his thirteenth   Music Awards. He also teaches on the faculties of The
                    year  of  teaching choral  music. Brown   Jazz Harmony Retreat and the Halewynstichting Jazz
                    has taught at all levels of secondary mu-  Workshop (Belgium).
                    sic education. He holds an MME from
                    the University of Florida, a BME from
        the University of Arkansas, and an associates of arts
        from the Northwest Arkansas Community College. He                  Like and Subscribe:
        currently teaches at Springdale Har-Ber High School               Fostering Well-Being
        as the assistant choir director and AP Music Theory           through the Choral Rehearsal
        teacher. He lives in Springdale, AR, with his wife, Em-
        ber, and his son, Christopher.
                                                              Today, more than ever, young people are paralyzed
                                                            by anxiety, and this anxiety is driven by a social-media-
                                                            induced vulnerability, characterized by hypersensitivity
               If I Don’t Scat Sing, How Can I Teach It?    to criticism and a constant need for reassurance. For
           Strategies to Help Choir Directors Who are New    the choral pedagogue, understanding the context for
                                                            this anxiety is critical for planning effective rehearsals.
          to the Jazz Idiom Demystify Vocal Improvisation   Outline: (1) Setting the scene: A presentation of recent
                                                            psychological studies that reveal a rise in self-fixation
           For many choir directors, the art of wordless vocal   or non-clinical narcissism in teens and young adults.
        improvisation, or “scat singing,” is one of the scariest   (2) The Intersection of Social Media and the Choral
        parts of teaching jazz. Few music education programs   Program. (3) The way forward: Striking a balance for
        prepare choral educators in jazz pedagogy, leaving di-  mental health. More is caught than taught.
        rectors to ask students to “make something up.” Howev-
        er, proficient jazz singers call upon a variety of patterns     David Howard is the  associate  director
        and melodic ideas “tools” to create seemingly spur-of-          of choral activities at the University of
        the-moment solos. There are several key “tools” that            Oklahoma, where he conducts the Men’s
        we can help our students learn to use that are quick to         Glee  Club and Women’s  Chorus, and
        internalize and sound really good. The handout for this         teaches graduate  and undergraduate
        session includes solo transcriptions, warmup exercises,   choral literature and conducting. He also coordinates
        classroom strategies, and recommendations for addi-  the annual Young Men’s Vocal Workshop and Wom-
        tional resources.                                   en’s Choral Leadership Workshop for secondary school
                                                            singers. He is the founder and artistic director of the
                    Justin Binek is an internationally recog-  professional early music ensemble, Schola Cantorum
                    nized  jazz and classical singer, pianist,   Oklahoma, and is also the conductor of Voce Fortis, a
                    clinician, and composer/arranger. A co-  new choir for secondary school young men. His schol-
                    author  of the upcoming third edition   arly writing and musical editions have been published
                    of Richard Lawn’s “Experiencing Jazz”   in both the US and the UK.
        history textbook, Binek’s compositions  and arrange-
        ments are available  from Kerry  Marsh  and Anchor
        Music; and his original jazz-inspired mass, Missa Lucis,
        made its Carnegie Hall debut in June 2022. He serves
        as an associate professor of music theory/jazz studies
        at Kansas City Kansas Community College, where his
        students annually receive numerous DownBeat Student

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