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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

        organizational culture. Without an intentional plan in   souri, completed her PhD in music education at the
        place, the culture of an ensemble can take on a life of   University of North Texas, and served on the faculty of
        its own, leaving the conductor-leader feeling helpless.   the Florida State University. She is an active clinician
        Using knowledge from organizational psychology and   and has conducted all-state and regional honor choirs
        practical experience, conductors can thoughtfully de-  across the US. Her research on topics such as aesthet-
        sign and effectively enact their desired culture. In this   ic  response,  choral  configuration,  and  music  teacher
        interactive session, attendees will be guided through a   identity construction has been featured in several lead-
        simple, research-based  and experience-tested  process   ing journals in the field.
        to define their desired culture and identify concrete ac-
        tions that are unique to their individual goals, person-
        alities, and contexts.
                                                                           Rediscovering Joy:
                    Kari Adams is  assistant professor  of         Limitless Possibilities Begin with You
                    choral  music education,  conductor  of
                    Concert Chorale, and coordinator of the
                    master’s in music education at the Uni-   For many of us, our choral village is suffering. We are
                    versity of Missouri. Prior to her appoint-  overworked, tired, and are approaching burnout. This
        ment at Mizzou, Adams taught secondary choir in Mis-  session will explore root sources of this suffering; and

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