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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                In t er est S essions
                                Interest Sessions

                        Gaming the System:                  will suggest ideas for applying these skills through play-
          Play-Based Approaches to Teaching Music Literacy  based projects.

                                                                        Saleel Menon is working on his PhD in
           Teaching music literacy can feel like a high-pressure        music education at Michigan State Uni-
         exercise that creates anxiety in students. Yet, music lit-     versity, where he was awarded his Mas-
         eracy is fundamental to the efficiency of a choral re-         ters degree in choral conducting. Menon
         hearsal. This interactive session breaks down music lit-       co-authored an article published in 2019
         eracy into three discrete elements: visual literacy, aural   in the Music Educator Journal on popular music, which
         literacy, and performance literacy, suggesting sequen-  was recently awarded one of the journal’s “most read”
         tial methods for instruction. For each category, activi-  articles. In 2020 he received the Texas Choral Directors
         ties will be demonstrated through games with assess-  Association “Young Director of Distinction” Award.
         ment criteria in the domains of rhythm, melody, and
         harmony. The session  will also outline  how students
         can  monitor their progress and set goals. This session
                                                                            Grades are Dumb:
                                                                 Growth Mindset in the Choral Classroom

                              Celebrating our
                              50th Anniversary Season,        Many students struggle with conventional classroom
                              we are excited and honored    management and motivation techniques. In our pro-
                              to perform during the         gram we tell all students that you don’t have to be good,
                              2024 SWACDA Conference        you just have to try!  It takes the focus off the product
                              in Denver!                    and places importance on the act of practice. Change
                                                            your rules and change the culture of your room. Cul-
                                                            ture and leadership will be addressed through officer
                                                            structure and student structured talk. We will also focus
                                                            on how you start class and provide warm-up practices
                                                            and strategies for interdisciplinary connections.

                                                            Har-Ber High School Choir will be the demonstration
                                                            choir for this session.

                                                                        Clint Pianalto is in his twenty-third year
                                                                        of teaching young people the art of cho-
                                                                        ral music. Pianalto has taught at all levels
                                                                        of secondary music education and is cur-
                                                                        rently the choir director at Har-Ber High
                                                            School in Springdale AR. He has served in a number
                                                            of different leadership positions in state and regional
                                                            levels of ACDA and ArkCDA. Pianalto is a sought-af-
                                                            ter clinician and presenter and has worked with direc-
                              tors and choirs in six states. He lives in Fayetteville, AR,
                                                            with his wife, Sarah, and two sons, Connor and Cason.

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