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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                         Cultural Bridges:                  Jennifer Sengin will be the clinician for this session.
                Developing International Exchanges          Her photo and bio are on page 79.

           Building  cultural  competencies for our singers  is         Jeffrey Allen Murdock is internation-
        an essential and exciting part of being a choral direc-         ally known as a conductor and clinician.
        tor. When performing music from cultures outside our            He currently serves as director of choral
        own, it’s important that we learn about the history, cul-       activities, professor of music, and found-
        ture, and performance practices. How can we as direc-           ing director of the Arkansas Center for
        tors explore  opportunities  to  engage  in international   Black Music at the University of Arkansas. He is the
        collaborations through travel  and non-travel  based   2016 Connor Endowed Faculty Fellow in the J. Wil-
        exchanges? Featuring the participants from the 2023   liam Fulbright College of Arts and Science, and 2019
        ACDA International Conductor Exchange Program to    Most Outstanding Faculty at the University of Arkan-
        Germany, this session explores connections in the inter-  sas. He is the 2021 Grammy Music Educator of the
        national choral community and finding ways to create   Year. Murdock has conducted regional and state honor
        meaningful experiences for our singers. What elements   choirs, and headlined conferences in twenty-six states
        of American music can we be prepared to share and   and eight countries. He serves ACDA as president of
        teach responsibly to our colleagues abroad?         the Southwestern Region, past president of Arkansas
                                                            ACDA, and serves on the national diversity subcom-

            Earn Graduate Credit

              by Attending the
              2024 ACDA National Conference

            January 24 - 27, 2024 .....................  Spokane, WA
            February 7 - 10, 2024 ......................Omaha, NE
            February 28 - March 2, 2024 .....Providence, RI
            February  27 - March 2, 2024 ....Denver, CO
            February 21 - 24, 2024 ................... Louisville, KY
            March 6 - 9, 2024 .............................. Pasadena, CA

            For more information please contact Dr. Robert Sinclair
            direct: 312-788-1144a

            Chicago, IL |  312-225-6288 |

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