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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Interest Sessions
                                In t er est S essions

        legiate, and community ensembles in Texas, Colorado,   ing previously  taught  in elementary  through college
        and Michigan and completed her doctorate at Michi-  classrooms in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennes-
        gan State University.                               see, and Kentucky. Adam possesses degrees and certi-
                                                            fications in music education, violin and vocal perfor-
                                                            mance, Kodály methodology, and choral conducting.
                                                            She greatly enjoys working with a variety of musicians
                 Many Gifts: Educating Community            every day.
               and Church Choirs through Rehearsals

           Church choirs  and non-auditioned  community               Middle School Choral Students:
        choruses bring together a broad, diverse spectrum of
        musicians, ranging from those who cannot read mu-              How Do You Motivate Them?
        sic and have limited training to professional musicians.
        Conductors can satisfy the musical spirit of all choir   When middle  school students are motivated,  they
        members  by  incorporating literacy  skills  into church   are unstoppable. How do you channel their energy so
        and community choir rehearsals. In addition  to  vo-  that you can guide them on a musical journey? Explore
        cal technique, we can teach our singers score marking   tips and ideas of various master choral music educa-
        techniques, rudimentary music theory, performance   tors who teach young adolescents. Be ready to sing and
        practices, and music history, for example. The key to   move!
        success is making the information taught practical, rel-
        evant, and immediately applicable. Everyone benefits            Lynn Brinckmeyer recently retired as
        from teaching these same concepts in our church and             professor of music, associate dean of the
        community choirs.                                               college of fine arts and communication,
                                                                        and director of choral music education
                    Matt Caine is director  of traditional              at Texas State University. During 2006-
                    music  at St.  John’s United Methodist   2008 she served as president for The National Asso-
                    Church, Aiken, SC. In addition to being   ciation for Music Education. She published Wander the
                    an active conductor of orchestras and   USA  with  Warm-Ups!,  The  Wonder  of   Music  with John
                    church,  community, professional,  and   Jacobson, Rhythm Rescue!, Wander the World with Warm-
        symphonic choruses, Caine has served as interim direc-  ups with Hal Leonard Publishing and Advocate for Music
        tor of choral activities for St. Petersburg College and   with Oxford University Press. Brinckmeyer’s degrees
        Allen University. Both a Fulbright Scholar and a FLAS   include a BME and MME from Eastern New Mexico
        Fellow in Bulgarian Language of the US Department   University, and a PhD in music  education from the
        of Education, his published research in Bulgarian mu-  University of Kansas.
        sic is frequently cited by scholars in both Bulgaria and
        the United States. He has presented interest sessions at
        two ACDA national conferences as well as regional and
        state conferences.                                           Real Ensemble Culture Building

                                                                       (Ice Breakers Not Included)
                    Jennifer Adam  is in her  twenty-second
                    year  of  teaching and  is currently  the
                    director  of choirs at  Christian  County   Icebreakers and  team  builders are  great,  but  re-
                    High  School in  Hopkinsville, KY, hav-  search  indicates  they  actually have little  impact on

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