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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Interest Sessions
                                       est S
                      Limitless Connections:                Central Arkansas and Stephen F. Austin State Univer-
              How Neuroscience and Everyday Actions         sity. She taught choral music at the middle school and
                                                            high school levels in Kentucky and was the choir di-
               Can Transform a Choir's Expressiveness       rector and sight-singing teacher at the Duke Ellington

                                                            School of the Arts in Washington DC.
           Many directors would like the singers in their choirs
        to  be  more  facially and emotionally  expressive, but
        their attempts to guide them are sometimes not as suc-       Limitless Learning Opportunities
        cessful as they hoped. This interest session provides a            for Lifelong Singers
        set of tools that can immediately transform expressive-
        ness, leading to a limitless connection with self, text,
        music, other singers, and the audience. Participants will   This session presents opportunities to support learn-
        learn how to apply everyday human behaviors to sing-  ing needs of a diverse community choir and offers a
        ing, empowering them to transform the choral experi-  systematic approach to providing limitless learning for
        ence for all. After learning the simple skills, volunteers   singers, regardless of age or ability.  Key learning out-
        will take turns as the “demo choir,” applying their new-  comes: Proven steps to implement into your rehearsal
        found techniques to songs they all know.            that facilitate improved musical skills at all ages. Ideas
                                                            for implementing a culture  of limitless learning into
        Tom Carter will be a clinician for this session. His photo   your  community choir. Participants will  experience
        and bio are on page 49.                             creative  learning  opportunities  embedded  into  the
                                                            rehearsal process and will explore techniques that en-
                                                            courage choir members’ participation in choosing rep-
                                                            ertoire, collaboration during rehearsals, self-directed
                         Limitless Ladies:                  learning, and rehearsal accommodations.
                       Take the Limits Off:
                 Women in Choral Music Education                        Sheri Cook-Cunningham earned her
                                                                        PhD in choral pedagogy at The Universi-
                                                                        ty of Kansas and holds degrees from the
           This discussion is geared toward women in choral             University of Missouri-Kansas City (BM
        music education. Topics will be discussed like women            and MM, piano performance). She is an
        in leadership and  work/life  balance.  Experiences  in   associate professor and the director of music education
        choral music education will be shared, along with how   at Washburn University. She conducts three commu-
        to navigate difficulties. This session will give a safe and   nity choirs: the Johnson County Community Chorus,
        brave space for women to discuss topics that are neces-  Enharmonics, and Carmen Sororum, a treble chorus.
        sary and healing. Attendees will leave encouraged, in-  An active researcher, Cook-Cunningham has present-
        spired, and empowered.                              ed her work locally, regionally, nationally, and interna-
                                                            tionally. Her research interests include adult learning
                    Frances Fonza is the  director  of choral   practices, choral error detection,  choral warm-ups,
                    activities at Southeastern Louisiana Uni-  musician hearing health, and historical choral diction
                    versity.  Fonza earned a BME at the Uni-  practices.
                    versity of Missouri-Columbia, an MME,
                    and a doctorate in music education/cho-
        ral  conducting at  the  Florida  State  University. Most
        recently, Fonza served on faculty at the University of

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