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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Interest Sessions
                                In t er est S essions

         mittee. Murdock holds a BME and an MM from the     Program in Germany. He received degrees from the
         University of Southern Mississippi, and a PhD in mu-  University  of Missouri-Kansas  City, East Carolina
         sic education from the University of Memphis.      University, and Middle Tennessee State University.

                    Ryan Sullivan is the  director  of choral  Meg Stohlmann will be a clinician for this session. Her
                    activities  at  Arkansas  State  University,   photo and bio are on page 31.
                    where  he conducts  the  Concert  Choir,
                    Jonesboro Chorale, and Singing  States-
                    men, and teaches coursework in conduct-
         ing and music education. Sullivan previously served as   Developing Black-Belt Choral Musicians:
         associate conductor for the Dallas Symphony Chorus         Transferable Lessons and Methods
         and the conductor of Collegium Singers and Baroque
         Orchestra at the University of North Texas. As a fellow         from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
         for the 2023 ICEP in Germany, he was an instructor
         and lecturer at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstel-  Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a grappling martial art that is of-
         lende Kunst in Stuttgart and the Hochschule für Kirch-  ten used as a vehicle to impact practitioners positively,
         enmusik in Rottenburg. Sullivan serves as current past   building resilience, patience, confidence, and discipline
         president for the Southwestern ACDA Region.        through terraced skill-building in a community of in-
                                                            dividuals from all walks of life. The benefits of this art
                    Erin Plisco  is the  associate  director  of   form deserve our attention in the choral music world.
                    choral studies at  Missouri  State  Univer-  We will explore the transferable lessons and methods
                    sity, where she conducts  multiple  choirs   from the jiu-jitsu mats and how they can be effectively
                    and teaches undergraduate and graduate   applied in rehearsals. Not only are these skills musically
                    choral conducting and literature. She is a   and practically applicable, but they are also valuable to
         frequent guest clinician across the United States and   combat mental stress, hyper-anxiety, and other mind-
         abroad. She serves as the ACDA National Women’s/   body barriers in ourselves and our singing musicians.
         SSAA Choirs R&R Chair and is a conducting fellow
         for ACDA’s  International Conductor Exchange Pro-              Jeffery Wall serves as professor of music
         gram. Choirs  under her direction performed at the             and director of choral activities at North-
         2022 ACDA Southwestern Region  Conference,  the                eastern State  University in Tahlequah,
         2022 Missouri MEA Conference, the  2023 National               Oklahoma. He is the co-founder and ar-
         ACDA Conference and Carnegie Hall. Plisco complet-             tistic director of Vox Solaris, a chamber
         ed a DMA in choral conducting from the University of   choir in Tulsa. He holds a BM in vocal music educa-
         Arizona.                                           tion from Texas Tech University, an MM in choral con-
                                                            ducting from the University of Tennessee, and DMA
                    John McDonald is director of vocal stud-  in choral conducting from the  University  of South
                    ies and director  of choir at  Washington   Carolina. Relevant to this session, Wall is a Brazilian
                    University in St. Louis and director of the   Jiu-Jitsu black belt with over thirty years of martial arts
                    tenor-bass ensemble, Cantus, for the  St.   experience.
                    Louis Children’s Choirs. He serves on the
         ACDA National  Standing  Committee  for Education
         and Communication. In 2023, McDonald was select-
         ed for the ACDA International Conductors Exchange

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