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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                       First-Generation and                 the gendered associations and vocal characteristics of
                    First-Time Music Students:              common fach categories and voice classifications, this
                  Tips for a Successful Transition          protocol  synthesizes  practices  from  gender-affirming
                                                            speech-language  pathology  (SLP)  with  source-filter
                                                            theory and science-informed vocal pedagogy to present
           The transition from high school to college is a daunt-  a healthy, gender-affirming practice routine for TGE
        ing time for many students, and this transition is even   singers who are seeking to masculinize or feminize their
        more extreme for students who choose to study music.   voices.
        This can be especially difficult for our first-generation
        and first-time music students who have possibly never   Stevie J. Hirner will be a clinician for this session. Her
        done private lessons, do not read music, and are often   photo and bio are on page 23.
        working many hours at an off-campus job while com-
        muting to school, and sometimes supporting a family.
        Through a qualitative research study, I have identified
        helpful tips that music educators can use to help these           Forget Sight Reading,
        students build a more successful transition to the col-         My Kids Can’t Match Pitch!
        lege classroom.
                                                                              What’ll I Do?

                    Joseph DeSota, DMA,  is an assistant
                    professor of applied voice, vocal division   Finding solutions for  students  to  match pitch is a
                    coordinator, faculty advisor, and Wash-  struggle for every teacher. Whether it is the changing
                    burn Opera studio director at Washburn   voice, the inexperienced singer, or the underdeveloped
                    University. He received his BM from Pep-  ear, every teacher must spend time to help their students
        perdine University, and both his MM and DMA in vo-  develop this necessary skill. We will present and chal-
        cal performance from University of Missouri, Kansas   lenge pedagogical approaches to help students through
        City’s Conservatory of Music and Dance. In addition   the voice change and match pitch. We will also pres-
        to his teaching position, DeSota is also director of vocal   ent some ideas to help these specific students become
        arts for the Bar Harbor Music Festival, artistic admin-  successful on day one of your class. This will include
        istrator for Lawrence Opera Theatre, and co-chair of   vocalization exercises, repertoire choices, musicianship
        the executive board for the Gilbert and Sullivan Soci-  training, and ensemble awareness training.
        ety of Kansas.
                                                            Brian Hartman will be a clinician for this session. His
                                                            photo and bio are on page 107.

                          Flexible Fach:                                Sam Anderson is the associate choral di-

                 Gender-Affirming Vocal Pedagogy                        rector at Liberty North High School, and
                through Science-Informed Practices                      the music director at St. Paul’s Episcopal
                                                                        Church, KCMO, along  with organist,
                                                                        Kurt  Knecht.  As a  singer, he  has per-
           In this interactive session, attendees will be invited   formed and recorded with the Kansas City Chorale,
        to sing and discuss vocal exercises from a new proto-  the St. Tikhon Choir, and the PaTRAM Institute Male
        col developed  by the  presenter  that focuses  on help-  Choir.
        ing transgender  and gender-expansive  (TGE)  singers
        produce an aural aesthetic that better aligns with their
        gender identity. Created through an understanding of

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