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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                 In t er est S essions
                                 Interest Sessions

                     Choral Singing in America              tion with each other in order to help choir teachers cre-
                     Documentary Screening                  ate classrooms that are more welcoming to students with
                                                            disabilities. We will then explore examples of these ideas
                                                            being applied in educational settings and discuss practi-
           Choral Singing in America is a visual representation   cal ways to implement them.
        of the breadth and depth of choral singing today. The
        film beautifully tells the myriad stories and sounds of         Andrew Voth is currently in his first year
        American choral singers and leaders—stories that in-            as assistant professor of music at McPher-
        spire, build community, foster hope, and showcase the           son College in McPherson, Kansas. Voth
        tremendous social capital and community building of             completed his DMA and MM at the Uni-
        singing together. America sings in schools, in commu-           versity of Wisconsin-Madison. During this
        nities, in concert halls, on the streets, in churches and   time, he worked as a TA for both the choral and music
        synagogues, in prisons, in hospice centers, and wherever   education departments, teaching choirs and supervising
        hearts are moved to join in song.                   student teaching experiences, as well as being selected as
                                                            a Lorna Wendt Choral Conducting Fellow. Prior to his
                    Brian Gaukel excels in creating documen-  graduate studies, Voth taught singers in grades 6-12 in
                    tary style, short- and long-form films. An   Goessel, Kansas, for five years following his graduation
                    advanced training in the performing arts   from Bethel College (KS).
                    as a singer and instrumentalist serve him
                    well  as an emotional  storyteller. He  at-
        tended the Interlochen Arts Academy and the Cincin-            Creating the Optimal Sound:
        nati Conservatory of Music. Gaukel is the filmmaker of
        the feature documentary We Are the Music Makers (2020),           Voice Matching for the
        is a biopic on the topic of choral music and the pro-           Large Vocal Jazz Ensemble
        found career of Dr. Jerry Blackstone. He has recently
        produced creative content for National Concerts, The   Voice match a Vocal Jazz Ensemble during the clinic
        Georgia  Institute  of Technology, Georgia  State  Uni-  to  demonstrate  how to  improve  the  tone/blend  using
        versity, The University  of Michigan, Yale  University,   methods derived from the American Choral Tradition,
        Amherst College, The Kaleidoscope Vocal Ensemble,   mostly using the St. Olaf method.
        Dallas Street Choir, VOCES8, and Chanticleer.
                                                                        John Stafford II is director of choral ac-
                                                                        tivities at Kansas City Kansas Community
                   Creating a Culture of Inclusion:                     College. Stafford was a 2015 recipient of
                Welcoming Singers with Disabilities                     the John and Suanne Roueche Excellence
                                                                        Award and the 2020 Henry Louis Award
                                                            for Teaching Excellence at KCKCC. He serves as the
           Even though choral music should be available to ev-  R&R Vocal Jazz Chair for ACDA and has music pub-
        eryone, students with disabilities are often denied sub-  lished by the Lorenz Corporation, Anchor Music Pub-
        stantive, appropriate  ensemble experiences in  school.   lications, and the Jazz  Education Network.  He wrote
        This session will lead participants through three philo-  a chapter for “Rehearsing The Vocal Jazz Ensemble,”
        sophical and educational models (cultural model of dis-  published by GIA Publications. Stafford has been a clini-
        ability, Universal Design for Learning, and culturally   cian for the choral music across the country, and he has
        responsive teaching), and put the models in conversa-  conducted multiple all-state jazz choirs.

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