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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                        The Limitless Tour                  these strategies, conductors will create a greater artistry
                      of Global Choral Music                of the ensemble that will create a positive effect for the
                                                            singers and audience.

           This session will provide attendees with a list of di-       Phillip Stockton, associate  director  of
        verse choral repertoire that allows their singers and au-       choral studies at Mississippi  State  Uni-
        diences to explore the entire globe. Attendees will listen      versity, received  a  BME from Auburn
        to recordings, explore over sixty pieces of music by un-        University, MME from the Florida State
        derrepresented composers, and will receive paragraph            University, and PhD in music education
        summations of each piece to ascertain if a piece fits   from the University of Mississippi. Before arriving at
        their ensemble. A list of repertoire will be distributed   Mississippi State, Stockton was DCA at MUW in Co-
        to all in attendance.                               lumbus, MS, and Mandarin High School in Jackson-
                                                            ville, Florida. He remains an active clinician and judge
                    John Martin Petzet is associate professor   for choirs throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
                    of music and director of choral activities   Louisiana, and Florida. Stockton is the R&R Chair for
                    at the University of Nebraska-Kearney.   Student Activities for Mississippi ACDA.
                    He has conducted honor  choirs  across
                    Louisiana and in Colorado, was invited
        to teach at the West Texas Choral Workshop, and to
        teach, present, and conduct at La Universidad Autóno-              Maestro and Muse:
        ma De Ciudad Juárez and to work with the Anaíma                      A Balancing Act
        Ensamble Vocal in Juárez, Mexico. Petzet has also pre-
        sented in ten states. He resides in Kearney, Nebraska,
        with his wife, Jennifer, and his three children.      Traditional  ensemble management  aspires to the
                                                            image of the maestro: powerful, authoritative, and effi-
        Frank F. Eychaner will be a clinician for this session. His   cient. Yet authoritative leadership often limits creativity
        photo and bio are on page 57.                       and musicianship and stunts student motivation. In this
                                                            interactive session, directors of all levels can learn how
                                                            to scaffold in freedom, exploration, and student-driv-
                                                            en contributions to choral artistry. Directors will walk
                           Look at Me!                      away with structures for student analysis, rehearsal ac-

                   Strategies to Enhance Artistry           tivities, and a pedagogical understanding of when to
                                                            instruct vs. when to inspire.
                    in Your Conducting Gesture

                                                                        Clelyn Chapin serves as the associate di-
           The conducting gesture is one of the most impor-             rector of choirs at University of North-
        tant skills of a choral music educator. Many teachers/          ern Colorado and conducts the Denver
        conductors do not continue to develop their craft af-           Women’s  Chorus, a 140-voice choir
        ter completing their degrees. We will explore various           founded for members and allies  of the
        techniques  to help teachers  and conductors  engage   LGBTQ+ community with a focus on social justice. As
        their singers in the rehearsal process and also in per-  a clinician and presenter throughout the country, she
        formance. Some of the topics discussed will include: a   focuses  on a combination of rehearsal practices and
        musicianship hierarchy, Laban techniques, sample ex-  leadership strategies that promote artistic singing and
        cerpts to conduct, and other engaging activities to con-  community building  within ensembles.  Chapin spent
        tinue development after the session. By implementing   fourteen years teaching and conducting secondary, col-

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