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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                Interest Sessions
                                In t er est S essions

        attendees will receive specific, measurable strategies to          Rehearsal by Design
        create freedom from this anxiety, which can be imple-
        mented easily and immediately. Combining modern-      Many of us have encountered a season in which we
        day psychological  concepts with the  ancient  eastern   find ourselves bored with our rehearsals. In this session,
        philosophies of Buddhism, session attendees will gain   my hope is to breathe life into your rehearsals as you
        tools necessary to navigate a world of ever-increasing   consider the limitless possibilities that await your sing-
        expectations and identify ways to shine their individual   ers!  Reflecting  on  Wiggins  and  McTighe’s  theory  of
        light in the classroom, thereby creating authentic, real-  Backward Design, you will be introduced to a method
        time teaching moments that have radical authenticity   of literature selection that encourages diversity and en-
        and create life-altering change.                    ergy in your rehearsals. All attendees will learn a vari-
                                                            ety of activities and strategies that pair well with our
                    Ryan Board, professor of music at Pep-  approach to literature selection and leave inspired with
                    perdine University, has  garnered inter-  a plan that will help you meet your goals in the upcom-
                    national attention as a conductor, choral   ing concert season!
                    artist, teacher, and clinician. As director
                    of choral activities at Pepperdine, Board           Jordan Cox is the associate dean for the
        directs the Pepperdine Concert Choir and the Pepper-            School of Performing Arts at  Missouri
        dine Chamber Choir and teaches courses in conduct-              Baptist University in St. Louis, MO. As
        ing and music history. He maintains an active schedule          director  of choral  activities and mu-
        as a professional singer, presenter, and conductor, and         sic  education, he teaches choral,  music
        choirs under Board’s direction have performed at pres-  education, and worship  courses. His  choirs regularly
        tigious venues for state, regional, national, and inter-  travel regionally and abroad. Under Cox’s direction,
        national events including regional and national confer-  the MBU Chamber Singers have served as a demon-
        ences of ACDA, the Prague Choral Festival, and the   stration choir for Dan Forrest’s session at the Getty’s
        Piccolo Spoleto Festival’s Spotlight Series.        SING! Conference in Nashville and have recorded a
                                                            Christmas worship album titled, “Let it Shine Bright!”
                    Jaclyn  Normandie is  a professional    His choirs enjoy frequent collaborations with area arts
                    conductor and founder  of the  Modern   organizations like Kirkwood Children’s  Choirs  and
                    Conducting Academy, an online learning   Bach Society of St. Louis.
                    platform that provides  workshops  and
                    courses with some of the most sought-af-
        ter conducting professionals. Her study of yoga, medi-
        tation, and eastern philosophy led her to author The               Supporting Teachers:
        Mindful Musician: Finding a Healthy Balance, offering strat-      Success Strategies for
        egies in balance and stress management to perform-              America’s Title I Musicians
        ers. She is a prolific guest conductor, has presented lec-
        tures at over twenty conferences, and led ensembles at
        ACDA National, Western, and Central Region confer-    Nearly half of public schools in the United States
        ences. She resides in Costa Rica studying Pachamama   qualify  for  Title  I  funding.  Title  I  support  is  offered
        Earth Music and leads community ensembles for youth   when at  least  40% of the  student  population  within
        and adults.                                         a school comes from low-income families. A growing
                                                            epidemic, 1 in 9 Americans live in poverty today. Chil-
                                                            dren affected by poverty are at a higher risk for emo-
                                                            tional and social challenges, cognitive lags, and health

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