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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                 Denver, Colorado

                    Springs, North Carolina. At Gardner-               Choral Music and Storytelling:
                    Webb he  directs Concert  Choir, Max
                    Gardner Singers, Handbell Ensemble,         Building Engagement through Program Flow
                    and Worship Ensemble.  Cheney is also
                    responsible  for  teaching music survey   Through creative concert programming, choral con-
        and courses in conducting, voice, and guitar. He holds   ductors can cultivate concert experiences that lead both
        a BME from Campbell University, an MM in choral     performers and audience members from one selection
        conducting and church music from Mercer University,   to the next with engagement and aesthetic connection.
        and a DMA in choral conducting from Louisiana State   Outcomes: Consider overarching themes  and connec-
        University. Cheney  and his  wife, Rebekah, reside in   tions for a concert program, explore sources of engaging
        Asheville, North Carolina.                          repertoire from a diverse group of composers, connect
                                                            music  making  to social/emotional  learning, consider
                                                            themes based on local stories or history to engage with
                                                            other local organizations, consider options for flow from
                     “Brain Smart” Rehearsals               one choral piece to the next, explore assignments, proj-
                                                            ects, and guest lecture opportunities to engage in the mu-
           This session will explore the benefits of being “brain-  sic’s context.
        smart” in rehearsals. Participants will be up and mov-
        ing for nearly the entire session and will leave with re-  Raul Dominguez will be a clinician for this session. His
        sources to keep the director and the singers fired up for   photo and bio are on page 25.
        the entire year. Participants will experience brain-break
        activities and creative teaching strategies that can be   Matthew Myers will be a clinician for this session. His
        used to increase focus, energy, and creativity in choral   photo and bio are on page 20.
        rehearsals. Participants will leave with a toolkit of more
        than eighty brain-break, team, and learning activities
        that  they can use to  enhance  their  choral  rehearsals
        and improve the overall experience for their singers.
                                                                        The Choral Music of Jamaica
                    Stephen Rew holds his BME and MME
                    from  the Conservatory  of Music  and     Through this session,  including the  exploration
                    Dance at the  University  of Missouri,   of newly published works, participants  will become
                    Kansas City.  He  has received  his dis-  equipped with the tools necessary to engage with Jamai-
                    trict’s Teacher of the  Year  Award two   can choral music with musical and sociocultural integrity.
        times (Drexel,  2005, and Ray-Pec, 2013). Rew just
        completed his sixth year as director at his alma mater,   O’Neil Jones will be the  clinician  for this  session.  His
        RPHS. Under his direction, the Chamber Singers per-  photo and bio are on page 96.
        formed at the 2022 MMEA Conference. Rew is also a
        motivational speaker, published composer, and lyricist.   The University of West Indies Mona University Singers
        He and his wife, Cindy, and their children, Mason and   will be the demonstration choir for this session. Their
        Chloe, live in their dream home in Raymore.         photo and bio are on page 88.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            113
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