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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                       est S
                                 Interest Sessions
                        The 4x4 Approach:                   C. Michael Porter will be the clinician for this session.
                    Creative Programming for                His photo and bio are on page 10.
                   Secondary Choral Ensembles

           Many  struggle  to  find  engaging  choral  repertoire       Anton Bruckner Unknown
        that  suits the  needs  of a  developing  ensemble. Join
        the clinicians as they explore literature appropriate for   In 1824, Anton Bruckner was born in a little Aus-
        middle, high school, and collegiate programs that will   trian village. Two hundred years later we celebrate the
        incorporate and encompass arts standards and invigo-  birthday of a composer whose symphonies inspired a
        rate singers. Teacher-conductors will walk away from   century and whose choral works are still amongst the
        this session with repertoire to meet the specific needs   best  of what  Western canonic choral  music. In this
        of students, creative programming  suggestions, and   workshop we’ll take a closer look at Bruckner’s lesser-
        scaffolding techniques to support growing choral pro-  known choral pieces for both mixed and male choir.
        grams. In this session, we will share our philosophy of
        programming centered on inclusivity, variety, and en-           Florian Maierl is  a German-based Aus-
        gagement through the 4 x 4 approach.                            trian conductor and composer. He stud-
                                                                        ied church music and singing in Vienna
        McKenna Stenson will be a clinician for this session.           and taught at the University Mozarteum
        Her photo and bio are on page 82.                               Salzburg and the Vienna Music Univer-
                                                            sity. With his choir, coro siamo, he won several national
        Kyra Stahr will be a clinician for this session. Her photo   and international choir competitions. In 2022 he was
        and bio are on page 82.                             appointed professor of choral conducting at the Uni-
                                                            versity for Music and Theater in Leipzig, Germany.

                          A Place for All:

                      Diverse Perspectives in                    Best Practices in Program Administration
                 Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantatas                        for New Choral Directors
                                                              This session is for new choral directors who are en-
           In order  to  honor a work’s original  context,  con-  gaging with the  non-musical realities  of music  edu-
        ductors encourage participants to engage deeply with   cation  in  the  twenty-first  century.  It  will  inform  new
        a work’s text and meaning. When a student or audi-  professionals by providing practical guidance and in-
        ence member comes from a religious perspective dif-  formation regarding the professional environment. The
        ferent from the selected repertoire, achieving this goal   session covers program philosophy, program develop-
        becomes complex. The sacred cantatas of J. S. Bach   ment, professional development,  relevant technology,
        offer countless opportunities for participants to engage   and recommends other professionals with whom one
        deeply with his  works  while  discovering  themes  that   should have a healthy working relationship to benefit a
        resonate beyond its original theological purpose. This   growing choral program.
        lecture examines four cantatas (172, 56, 158, and 25)
        through various non-musical, diverse perspectives, and   Joshua Cheney, a native of Fayetteville, North Caro-
        demonstrates how Bach’s cantatas engage musicians/  lina, is assistant professor of music and director of cho-
        audiences with a plurality of beliefs and experiences.  ral  activities  at  Gardner-Webb University in Boiling

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