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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                   Denver, Colorado

                      Wylie East High School                            Young Junior High School
                     Varsity Tenor-Bass Choir                                  Young Men

                                                              Young Junior High, located in Southwest Arlington,
           The Wylie East Varsity Tenor-Bass Chorus is a di-  is a  two-year  school  with  an  enrollment  of  approxi-
        verse group of ninety-five singers in grades 9-12 and   mately 800 students. The band, choir, and orchestra
        represents two of the three tenor-bass choirs on cam-  programs at Young all consistently earn Sweepstakes
        pus: A Cappella Tenor-Bass Choir and Select Tenor-  Awards at UIL Contest, and members of each orga-
        Bass Choir. The tenor-bass choir program has expe-  nization  garner  numerous individual awards at  city,
        rienced rapid growth from approximately twenty-five   region,  and solo contests. The choirs  at Young have
        singers  seven years  ago to over  130 this school year.   performed at the Middle School/Junior High Nation-
        The performance of the Varsity Tenor-Bass Choir at   al  Convention, Southwest  ACDA, TMEA, National
        Southwestern ACDA not  only marks  the  inaugural   ACDA, and for the Texas State Board of Education.
        conference performance for the choral program, but
        is also the first choral ensemble from Wylie ISD to be
        selected for performance at a music convention.                 Christi Jones has been  teaching choir
                                                                        for twenty-four years, all  but one have
                                                                        been at Young Junior High in Arlington,
                    Nathan Dame is proud to serve as direc-
                    tor  of choral  activities  and coordinator         Texas. Choirs under  her  direction  have
                    of fine arts at Wylie East High School.             performed at  TMEA (2015  and 2022),
                    Dame has conducted choral ensembles     SWACDA (2014), National ACDA (2019), the MS/JH
                    of elementary through collegiate singers   National Convention (2012), and for the State Board
        as a faculty member in the Texas public schools and at   of Education (2015). Jones has pieces published by Carl
        the University of Kansas. At Wylie East, he conducts   Fischer, BriLee Music, RBC, and Excelsia (UIL Sight-
        the A Cappella Choir, Varsity Tenor-Bass Choir, Select   reading pieces), with many inclusions on the Texas UIL
        Tenor-Bass Choir, Out of the Blue, the school’s popu-  Prescribed Music List. She was named Teacher of the
        lar music ensemble, and oversees a thriving choral pro-  Year at Young in 2011. She and her husband, Scott, re-
        gram of 375 singers in eleven performing ensembles.     side in Arlington with their sons, Neal (14) and Carson
        In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he acts as   (12). Neal will be singing bass and Carson will be sing-
        vertical team lead for the Raider Area Choral Depart-  ing tenor 1 with the Young Men at Southwest ACDA.
        ment. He was a national finalist for the Dale Warland
        American Prize in Choral Conducting.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            111
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