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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                       Denver, Colorado

                                      orming C
                                Performing Choirs
                      Wichita State University                          The Woodlands High School
                         Concert Chorale                                     Chamber Choir

           The Wichita State  University  Concert  Chorale  is   TWHS Choir enjoys a rich tradition of choral excel-
         the premier choral ensemble at Wichita State Universi-  lence. The Chamber Choir is a small, highly selective
         ty. Chorale is a highly-selective, auditioned choir open   ensemble  comprising dedicated  choir  students.  This
         to all WSU students, regardless of major, who desire a   choir’s main objective is to prepare and perform mu-
         rigorous, quality choral experience. They cultivate an   sic from all musical time periods that are suitable for
         atmosphere of collegiality where lasting memories and   a Chamber Choir. In addition to their membership in
         musical experiences can be gained through high artistic   the Chamber Choir, these students are also members
         standards and the pursuit of excellence. Chorale per-  of our Varsity Choirs. They have won top awards at
         forms of a wide variety of repertoire from the Renais-  festivals throughout Texas and performed at TMEA in
         sance through the twenty-first century.            2020.

                    Ryan Beeken serves as director  of cho-             Patrick Newcomb has been a high school
                    ral activities at Wichita State University,         choir director  since 2005. In 2010 he
                    where he conducts the Concert Chorale               came to The Woodlands High School as
                    and Madrigal Singers and teaches gradu-             the  assistant  choir director  and became
                    ate and undergraduate choral conducting             the head choir director  in  2015. New-
         and literature. He received bachelor’s degrees in music   comb is also a proud alumnus of The Woodlands High
         education and vocal performance from Drake Univer-  School and is humbled to be at the helm of the choir
         sity and graduate degrees from Michigan State Univer-  program that had such a positive impact on his life as
         sity. Beeken’s choirs have performed at state, regional,   a high school student. He earned a BME and an MM
         and national ACDA  conferences  and for state  and   in choral  conducting from Sam  Houston State  Uni-
         regional  NAfME. Prior  to his  appointment  at WSU,   versity. Choirs at TWHS under Newcomb’s direction
         Beeken served as director of choral studies at Indiana   have earned consistent superior ratings at UIL Con-
         University of Pennsylvania, taught at Michigan State   cert and Sightreading along with best in class/overall
         University, and taught vocal music for sixteen years in   outstanding awards at various choral festivals. In 2022
         Iowa.                                              he received the TCDA Choral Director of Distinction

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