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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                   Denver, Colorado

                 Stephen F. Austin State University                     Timber Creek High School
                         A Cappella Choir                                    Chamber Choir

           The A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Dr.   The Timber Creek HS choir program has been ac-
        Michael  Murphy, is the  premier  choral  ensemble  at   tive in the competitive arena of choir for the last five
        Stephen F. Austin State University. The select mixed   years  and has  grown  to be a consistent presence in
        chorus has a distinguished tradition of performing dis-  the online choral community. The chamber choir was
        tinctive and diverse repertoire at the highest level of   founded the year Adrian Kirtley started as the head di-
        artistry. Throughout its rich and successful history, the   rector, and since then they’ve been awarded first place
        choir has had many guest appearances at state and na-  at the 2019 and 2021 Madrigal Festivals, first place at
        tional conventions including, Texas MEA, NAfME, the   the 2022 Festival di Voce competition, and most  re-
        ACDA, and many international concert venues.        cently performed as an invited choir of the 2023 Na-
                                                            tional ACDA Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio.
                    Michael Murphy is the director of choral
                    activities and associate professor of mu-           Adrian Kirtley has  served as director
                    sic at Stephen F. Austin State University,          of choral music at Timber Creek High
                    where he teaches choral conducting, en-             School in Ft. Worth since 2019. He was
                    sembles, repertoire, and methods courses            assistant director at Timber Creek dur-
        and oversees the graduate conducting program. Mur-              ing 2016 and 2017. All his choirs since
        phy is an active clinician, adjudicator, and author. His   2019 have received UIL Sweepstakes ratings. Since
        research interests include training and developing the   2016, thirty-eight of his students have been named all-
        holistic conductor, rehearsal techniques, new choral   state choir members. His groups have garnered honor
        compositions, and investing and creating impactful   choir recognitions (2020 and 2022) and were named
        connections in our global community through music.   Grand Champions (2019 and 2021) at the Madrigal
        His  choirs have  been  invited  to  perform for several   and Chamber Festival. A Grand Champion award was
        international, state, and regional ACDA and NAfME   given at the Festival di Voce in 2022, and his ensemble
        conferences, and he has held several international, na-  was selected as a 2023 Honor Choir. In the summer
        tional, and state leadership positions.             of 2024 he has been invited to be a guest conductor at
                                                            Carnegie Hall by MidAmerica Productions.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            109
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