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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                       Denver, Colorado

                                Performing Choirs
                                      orming C
                        Nixa High School                               Springfield Chamber Chorus
                        Chamber Singers

                                                              Founded  in  2008,  Springfield  Chamber  Chorus  is
                                                            dedicated to acting as ambassadors, artists, and edu-
           The Chamber Singers, comprising forty auditioned   cators, integrating  choral  music  into the  life  of our
        singers, is the premier choral ensemble at Nixa High   community through meaningful experiences for both
        School. Under the leadership of Daniel Gutierrez, the   singer and audience. The chorus, an entirely volunteer
        Chamber Singers have received exemplary ratings at   ensemble of forty members, exists to pursue artistic ex-
        district and state contests, and were named the Grand   cellence  while  commissioning  new works, supporting
        Champions of the Worlds of Fun Choral Festival in the   emerging talent, and promoting artistic collaboration
        spring of 2022 and 2023. In 2023 they also performed   throughout our region. Springfield Chamber Chorus
        for the Missouri MEA Conference.                    has been featured at both the Missouri Choral Direc-
                                                            tors  Association and Missouri  MEA  annual confer-
                    Daniel Gutierrez is the head choir direc-  ences on multiple occasions. Performances highlight a
                    tor at Nixa secondary schools. Gutierrez   wide range of classic and contemporary choral pieces.
                    is an active conductor, clinician, and pre-
                    senter  throughout the  country. He was             Christopher Brammer is  an accom-
                    named Teacher of the Year for Spring-               plished conductor, clinician, and educa-
        field Public Schools and Southwest Missouri (also a fi-         tor. He spent twelve years teaching music
        nalist for the state TOTY award), Springfield Rotary            in public schools before leaving to serve as
        Award for Outstanding Community Service, honoree                the music minister at University Heights
        for  Springfield  Business  Journal’s 40 Under  40, quarter-  Baptist Church in Springfield, MO. Brammer received
        finalist  for  the  Grammy  National  Music  Educator   music degrees from Lawrence University in Appleton,
        Award, and the recipient of the Missouri Choral Direc-  WI, and from Missouri State University in Springfield.
        tors Association Podium Award. Gutierrez’s speaking   He resides in Springfield with his wife, Amy, and three
        engagements include presenting for TEDx, presenting   amazing children,  Wyatt,  Will,  and Izzy, where  he
        for regional and National ACDA conference, and other   maintains an active schedule as a clinician, and is the
        choral workshops nationally.                        artistic director of Springfield Chamber Chorus.

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