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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                 Denver, Colorado

                    Liberty North High School                             MacArthur High School
                         Chamber Choir                                    A Cappella Treble Choir

                                                               Established in 2019 and consisting of twenty singers
                                                            in grades 9-12, the A Cappella Treble Choir is a select
           The Liberty North High School Chamber Choir is   varsity treble group comprising members from MacAr-
        an auditioned, non-curricular ensemble that meets two   thur High School’s A Cappella Choir, the varsity mixed
        hours per week. Each student must first audition for the   ensemble.  The  ensemble’s  first  year  in  existence  was
        Concert Choir and then complete the rigorous audi-  during hybrid instruction at Irving ISD. In addition to
        tion process to be accepted into the Chamber Choir.     their  mixed  ensemble  rehearsals, members attended
        There  are  strict  guidelines  that  hold each member   virtual and outdoor rehearsals throughout the year and
        accountable  for attendance  and active  participation.   ended the contest season by receiving their first of four
        These students represent the best and brightest, most   sweepstakes, the highest accolade from Texas’s Univer-
        well-rounded, and most involved students that Liberty   sity Interscholastic League (UIL) contest.
        North  has  to  offer.  More  importantly,  these  students
        express their humanity through music and explore the            Lauren Davis has worked in music edu-
        depths of emotions that music helps to define.                  cation for fourteen years. She began her

                                                                        career in Del Rio Middle School before
                    Brian Hartman has served  as a choral               moving to  Huntsville High School and
                    music educator  for  twenty-three  years,           returning to  Dallas six years ago  to  di-
                    currently enjoying his fourteenth at Lib-  rect at MacArthur High School in Irving ISD. Choirs
                    erty North High School in Liberty, Mis-  under  her  direction  regularly receive  sweepstakes at
                    souri. Throughout his tenure, Hartman   University Interscholastic League (UIL) competitions,
        has enjoyed performances as a singer, conductor, and   have singers perform in Texas All-State choirs, excel
        adjudicator across the United States and abroad. Hart-  at regional and state level solo and ensemble contest,
        man is active in music education organizations, having   boast members in the ACDA National Honor Choir,
        served in numerous roles with the Kansas City Metro   and are active performers in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.
        District, MCDA, SWACDA, and Missouri MEA, serv-     Davis earned her BME from Texas A&M University-
        ing as president for the 2022-2024 term. He holds de-  Commerce.  She  performs with  various  community
        grees from Wichita State University (BME), University   choirs, opera groups, and churches across the Dallas-
        of Missouri-Columbia (MM), and Northwest Missouri   Ft. Worth Metroplex.
        State University (EdS).

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            107
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