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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                     February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                 Performing Choirs
                                 P er f orming C   hoirs

                  Fort Settlement Middle School                      Grand Prarie Fine Arts Academy
                        Varsity Treble Choir                                 Treble Singers

            Fort Settlement Varsity Treble Choir is a select en-  GPFAA Treble Singers consists of advanced vocal-
        semble  of thirty-eight  singers  in  grades 7-8. Singers   ists in grades 9-12. Joel Duarte, high school director,
        consistently receive 1st Division  Superior  ratings at   and  Alexis Galindo,  middle  school  director,  join to
        UIL Solo/Ensemble, place in the TMEA Region 13      lead the Grand Prarie Fine Arts Academy Vocal Music
        MS Choir, and earn straight 1st Division Superior rat-  strand. The program not only nurtures the students’
        ings during UIL Concert and Sightreading contest. In   lives but has consistently ranked among the top choirs
        2022, Varsity Treble won their first national award for   across the nation. This ensemble has won numerous
        the Mark of Excellence 2022 as a Commended Winner.   best-in-class, overall outstanding, and grand champion
        Many choir members are NJHS members, enrolled in    awards nationwide. The program has been recognized
        Pre-AP and GT curriculum, and uphold traditions of   as Mark of Excellence National Winners (2019, 2020,
        music excellence existing at Fort Settlement.       2022, 2023), American Choral  Prize  Winners (2020,
                                                            2021, 2022), and Grammy Museum Signature School
                    Kirsten Jordon received her BA in vocal   Award Recipient (2021).
                    performance and music education from
                    Virginia Tech in 1993, moved to Hous-
                    ton, and began over thirty years of teach-          Joel Duarte has taught  public school
                    ing music, directing choirs, and singing.           for thirteen  years  and has  been  named
        After coordinating Fort Bend ISD’s district honor choir         teacher of the year twice, most recently
        program in 2014 and 2015, Jordon had the honor of               by  The National  Art-School Network
        conducting the 2016 FBISD Elementary Honor Choir                as one of the  2023-2024  Teachers of
        at the TMEA annual convention. Jordon spent seven   the Year. He obtained degrees from Wayland Baptist
        years directing  the  Fort  Bend  Boy Choir of Texas’s   University (BME) and Southern Methodist University
        Town Choir; created Cantate, a Sugar Land commu-    (MM). Duarte loves performing with the Dallas Sym-
        nity children’s choir; and started a Chamber Choir in-  phony Chorus, as he feels it keeps him in the mindset
        cluding singers in local high schools as well as adults   and appreciation of his singers. Duarte has traveled the
        from the area.                                      world through the opportunities provided by perform-
                                                            ing, teaching, and empowering his fellow educators.

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