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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                    Colorado Children's Chorale                            Elus Vocal Ensemble
                            Tour Choir

           Over the past  fifty  years,  the  Colorado Children’s
        Chorale  has brought  its  artistry and  charm to  audi-  Founded in 2012, Elus Vocal Ensemble comprises
        ences throughout the world. With a diverse repertoire   musicians based in the Denver Metropolitan area. Un-
        ranging  from fully-staged  opera  and musical theater   der the direction of Taylor Martin, Elus specializes in
        to standard choral compositions in classical, folk, and   singing diverse a cappella choral repertoire including
        popular traditions, the Chorale performs with an inno-  contemporary works from around the world. In their
        vative stage presentation and a unique theatrical spirit.   eighth  season, Elus has collaborated  previously  with
        The Chorale has received the Governor’s Award for   The Colorado Symphony, The Colorado Chorale, El
        Excellence in the Arts, the Mayor’s Award for Excel-  Sistema, Church of the Ascension, St. Martin’s Cham-
        lence in the Arts, and the prestigious El Pomar Award   ber Choir, and the Choirs of Metropolitan State Uni-
        for Excellence in Arts and Humanities. The Colorado   versity.
        Children’s Chorale annually trains 400 members be-
        tween  the ages of 7 and 14 from all  ethnicities  and          Taylor Martin is associate  director  and
        socio-economic backgrounds, representing more than              conductor for the  Colorado  Symphony
        180 schools in the Denver metro area and beyond.                Chorus, and artistic director for Elus Vo-
                                                                        cal Ensemble. Entering his seventh sea-
                    Emily Crile, artistic director, exhibits her        son  with Elus Vocal Ensemble, Martin
                    passion for choral music through devel-  has  led performances  of great a cappella  repertoire
                    oping and conducting singers of all ages.   through imaginative programming, and led  major
                    She currently directs Tour Choir, a pre-  works such as David Lang’s the little match girl passion and
                    mier  treble  ensemble. During the  past   Fauré’s Requiem to great acclaim. Elus collaborated with
        twenty-two years  with the  Chorale, she has  directed   international EDM artist, OPIUO, to perform a sold-
        prep, apprentice, and transitions choirs; worked with   out show at Red Rocks in 2021. Martin lives in Arvada
        concert and tour choirs; prepared children for appear-  with his wife and pets, where he loves to spend time
        ances with the Colorado Symphony, Central City Op-  outside, enjoying Colorado’s beautiful nature.
        era, Opera Colorado, and Colorado Ballet; and toured
        throughout Australia,  China, Europe, New Zealand,
        South Africa, and the United States. Crile is the past
        president of Colorado ACDA and is an active choral
        clinician and presenter throughout the United States.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            105
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