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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                                                      February 27 - March 2, 2024                                                      Denver, Colorado

                                 Performing Choirs
                                      orming C
                      A.C. Jones High School                                Allen High School
                       Varsity Mixed Choir                                 Varsity Treble Choir

           The A.C. Jones High School Varsity Mixed Choir
        started  in 2016 when Cesar Galaviz was given the op-  The Allen High School Varsity Treble Choir is the
        portunity to bring the program back to life. Since its   premier treble ensemble at Allen HS and is beautifully
        rebirth, the high school choral program has brought a   and  complexly diverse.  The  choir  comprises sopho-
        total of sixteen Texas University Interscholastic League   mores, juniors, and seniors who all possess an incred-
        Sweepstakes. Travel and  performance  experiences in   ible work ethic, a commitment to academic integrity
        the last five years include Carnigie Hall in New York   and eligibility, and enormous  hearts  for making and
        City, Universal Studios in Orlando Florida, the Pearl   sharing beautiful music. The students in this choir are
        Harbor Remembrance event in Hawaii, and the op-     members of Allen High School’s Varsity Mixed Cho-
        portunity to perform at the 2023 Texas MEA Conven-  rale as well as the varsity treble chorus Eagle Select.
        tion. Since 2018, the choral program has had twenty-  They  have consistently  received Sweepstakes awards
        nine Texas All-State Choir Representations.         at UIL Concert and Sightreading evaluations and per-
                                                            formed at the 2023 Texas MEA Convention.

                    Cesar Galaviz completed a BM from Tex-
                    as A&M University Corpus Christi  and               Kathryn Zetterstrom  began her teach-
                    began his teaching career at Tuloso Mid-            ing  career  in the  Lubbock Indepen-
                    way  Middle School in  Corpus  Christi.             dent School District and has taught for
                    Since  2018, twenty-nine  students  from            twenty-three  years—twelve of which
        A. C.  Jones High School have  been  awarded  places            have been as one of four directors (and
        in TMEA Large  School  and  Small  School  AlI-State   friends) who teach approximately 450 choir students at
        Choirs. Travel and performance experiences have in-  Allen High School.  She currently serves as TMEA Re-
        cluded Carnegie  Hall, Universal Studios in  Orlando   gion 25 Vice-President, and her Varsity Treble Choir
        Florida, and at the Pearl Harbor Remembrance event   performed as an invited choir at the 2023 TMEA con-
        in Hawaii. Galaviz is active as a section leader for the   vention in San Antonio.  She received both her BME
        TMEA AlI-State  Small  School  Choir, as Camp  Co-  and her MM (performance) degree in conducting from
        ordinator for the Del Mar College Choir Camp, has   Texas Tech University (under Dr. Ken Davis) and her
        served as a Region 14 Vocal Division officer, and UIL   Educational  Administration  certification  from  Lub-
        Concert & Sight-Reading adjudicator.                bock Christian University.

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