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2024 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference                         February 27 - March 2, 2024                                  Denver, Colorado

                    The Female Adolescent Voice                        Meet & Greet & Door Prizes!!

           In a world of young singers “belting it” in their low   This session will help us connect to other elementary
         register, this session will share vocal strategies for bring-  music teachers and children’s chorus directors who are
         ing the head voice down and supporting a healthy and   attending the conference. Make new friends and keep
         beautiful sound through literature suited for the devel-  the old as we interact through fun, fellowship, and door
         oping female voice. Led by Larry Dunn and Gretchen   prizes!
                                                            Nick Farr and Rachel Cornett will be the presenters for
         Larry Dunn and Gretchen Watt will be the presenters   this session.
         for this session.


                  Elementary and Children’s Choir             This session will cover topics that are a challenge for

                                                            teachers new and seasoned. What areas of your teach-
         Nick Farr and Rachel Cornett, Coordinators         ing do you feel need the most support? What areas of
                                                            teaching are  your strengths? Great minds  think  alike.
                    Nick Farr is  the artistic  director  of Una   Join us with your thoughts and concerns for us all to
                    Vice at Wildwood in Little Rock, AR. He   workshop in real-time together!
                    holds an education doctorate  in higher
                    education and a doctorate of music edu-  Nick Farr and Rachel Cornett will be the presenters for
                    cation. Farr is the Maumelle High School   this session.
         Principal in Maumelle, AR. He has been a music edu-
         cator for eleven years and enjoys impacting the arts as
         an administrator. Farr is the president-elect for Arkan-
         sas ACDA and has served in various other roles. He has         “Kids’ Songs True and New”
         two daughters and enjoys running and working with
         community theatre.                                   Tried-and-true (as well as new to you) songs for young
                                                            kids that your students and audiences will love. Join us
                    Rachel Cornett is an accomplished mu-   as we explore favorite children’s classics and songs that
                    sic educator with a BME and an MME      are trending.
                    from the University of Arkansas. Her ca-
                    reer includes a decade as a middle school  Nick Farr and Rachel Cornett will be the presenters for
         choir director in Bentonville, Arkansas, and leadership   this session.
         roles at TEP Charter School in Manhattan. Current-
         ly teachchoir for grades 8-9 at Lakeside Junior High,
         she also directs the University of Arkansas Children's
         Choir.  Cornett  holds  a  National  Board  Certification
         and an ESL Certification. She serves on the Arkansas
         ACDA Board and is known for her choral clinics and
         guest conductor roles. She also has a professional sing-
         ing career.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            103
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